Power Season 5 (Official Thread)


Oct 30, 2017
So dre is a certified sharp shooter :stopitslime:. These nikkas and the way they can handle combat you’d think they were vets ain’t no way street nikkas are surviving all of that, least without serious injury. The ending of the episode was really in the beginning where Tommy writes to Tasha we should kill this bytch(How did ghost not see that Idk) also Tasha has officially became skyler white status. Extremely unlike able character she’s done more damage than mak and saks how ungrateful can you be to someone that saved your son:gucci:. That scene with kisha and Tasha had me kinda hot how evil she is towards her. I would cut someone off like that ASAP in my life questioning nikkas loyalty in shyt( I get everyone’s pressed but you’d think these seasoned criminals would be more composed).

None of the characters have critical thinking skills killing all the witnesses does not make the case go away! It was good but hard not to ignore the plot holes like that bs witness from S1. That kind of testimony would not be even held in court. Tasha bytches about ghost being selfish, but I’m hard pressed to remember a time Tasha was selfless:patrice: she’s projecting hard. I’ll forgive Tommy for his bad judgement because that’s how the character is displayed, but Tasha nah fdb:camby:. Btw I don’t think Angela dies even though it’s a chest shot(for all we know Tommy may have been aiming for ghost) if she does it’ll be stretched out the next season but if she does then most likely they’ll all slowly go down for life and they’ll draw that plot out for the next couple of seasons. I may hop off this show depending on how next season shapes up