LOL @ people saying Tasha is "loyal".

To who? She's just another chick who knows what side her bread is buttered. You think she'd still be fukking with Ghost if he had a regular day job? She doesn't have to work and has loads of money to play with. He got a young broad to have his kids, she got with an older dude with money, end of story.
This same "loyal" chick was teasing Sean in the car for just seeing Ghost speak to Angela in the club in season one before anything even happened between them.
Besides, what kind of woman with three kids encourages her husband, their FATHER to stay in the drug game continuing the risk of prison or death and risk to the family when he already has the smarts to make a lot of money legally? It ain't like dude was going to leave a life of crime to become a window cleaner or something.
Yeah, Tasha looks good, especially compared to wack ass Angela (why they couldn't have found a real boriqua with t*ts and ass I don't know) who seems to have aged quite a bit since the last season, but that's all she is - a chick that looks good with a nice body. She's just another bird.