He's been doing that since the SC daysI swear Dan Patrick just threw a shot at Lebotard on the NBC pregame show...
He was doing a highlight and said TJ WarDDD
Did i miss the weekend notes?He's Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
Did i miss the weekend notes?
that game was trash.The Andrew Luck shyt had me doubled over
And I know Dan isn't really interested in sports anymore , but he was spot on about the Philly/Boys game ... after a while watching the inevitable March down field from continues 5-8 yrd passes gets played in the NFL. I tuned out of that game last night too. Sproles kept me interested for a bit.
What happened
Gruden is truly in purgatory he sounds like he needs therapy to figure this outThis useless sound montage is killing me
Gruden is so confused
"Andrew Luck sounds like a guy with a pituitary gland problem."