Post Some Spooky Sh%t In This Thread


Return of the Khryst
May 1, 2012


that's scary as hell.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Got some personal spooky shyt. My son who is 11 got the gift and see shyt sometimes no lie swear on everything. He has been this way since 3 years old seeing dead relatives and people.

This thanksgiving we had family dinner at my sister house because of Covid which we kept it small (all events is usually at my house for the family but Covid kept everyone away) It was my sister her child and our mother/my family. We were playing Uno after dinner all of us when he stopped and looked in the hallway which he blurted out I see a ghost.. Everybody got quiet. We let that shyt go and kept playing it wasn't until this week he stated he seen a lady who had a gown on and blood all on her front gown and mouth. I asked him what she was doing and he said she was smiling until she notice he seen her and went through the wall. I guess she was watching our family playing Uno.

I asked him what she looked like and he said she was 30 year old while female. I don't know how he knew this so I decided to research my sister apartment and couldn't find nothing about that apartment. I then researched the apartment next door to hers (Philly got connecting houses/apartments and found an article from 1940s where a dude killed his girlfriend on the third floor exactly next to my sister apartment with a shotgun blast to the chest. The article from the Philly inquirer even had the picture of the lady and I showed him and he was like yup that was her. The lady was 30 years old at the time as well.
May 2, 2012
Got some personal spooky shyt. My son who is 11 got the gift and see shyt sometimes no lie swear on everything. He has been this way since 3 years old seeing dead relatives and people.

This thanksgiving we had family dinner at my sister house because of Covid which we kept it small (all events is usually at my house for the family but Covid kept everyone away) It was my sister her child and our mother/my family. We were playing Uno after dinner all of us when he stopped and looked in the hallway which he blurted out I see a ghost.. Everybody got quiet. We let that shyt go and kept playing it wasn't until this week he stated he seen a lady who had a gown on and blood all on her front gown and mouth. I asked him what she was doing and he said she was smiling until she notice he seen her and went through the wall. I guess she was watching our family playing Uno.

I asked him what she looked like and he said she was 30 year old while female. I don't know how he knew this so I decided to research my sister apartment and couldn't find nothing about that apartment. I then researched the apartment next door to hers (Philly got connecting houses/apartments and found an article from 1940s where a dude killed his girlfriend on the third floor exactly next to my sister apartment with a shotgun blast to the chest. The article from the Philly inquirer even had the picture of the lady and I showed him and he was like yup that was her. The lady was 30 years old at the time as well.
Man what a god given gift. Do you think you son could help alleviate ppl's fear of death or the unknown. Has he talked about subjects like that?


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Man what a god given gift. Do you think you son could help alleviate ppl's fear of death or the unknown. Has he talked about subjects like that?

My son so cool with it bro I guess so when he gets older. He is very into death like you know such such died this day etc.. and we be like why you thinking about that. I told him he has a gift and that as long as you believe in god and your ancestors you should be fine. He told my wife one time while we eating dinner you know its two ghosts at the table with us. I just laugh not in a negative way but like damn shyt is unbelievable :russ:. There isn't an outlet for that type of discussions you know what I mean.

My second son who is 4 he has it to and I know he see things because he turns his head to the side like looking through his peripheral vision. The 4 year old is the one my father would visit every day for like a year. My father died back in 06. I got an aunt who has the gift and all she does is readings well known in her practice.
May 2, 2012
My son so cool with it bro I guess so when he gets older. He is very into death like you know such such died this day etc.. and we be like why you thinking about that. I told him he has a gift and that as long as you believe in god and your ancestors you should be fine. He told my wife one time while we eating dinner you know its two ghosts at the table with us. I just laugh not in a negative way but like damn shyt is unbelievable :russ:. There isn't an outlet for that type of discussions you know what I mean.

My second son who is 4 he has it to and I know he see things because he turns his head to the side like looking through his peripheral vision. The 4 year old is the one my father would visit every day for like a year. My father died back in 06. I got an aunt who has the gift and all she does is readings well known in her practice.
That's definitely a blessing to have, especially seeing as ppl truly have a fear of the unknown. So just to know that there's ppl out there that can legit see some type of afterlife, is definitely promising. I'm low key jealous lol


Jul 2, 2015

This is an image of the surface of the asteroid, Ryugu. It was taken by the Japanese Hayabusa 2 space craft.
Look into the distance and into the abyss. Its simply frightening how large the universe is.


Jul 2, 2015
  • Did you know that during slavery in the U.S. gay white slaveholders would buy male slaves to engage in forced homosexual sex acts?
    These male slaves were purchase based entirely on the prerequisite of them possessing a large penis.
    Black men were routinely raped by their gay slave owners. The process was known as “breaking the buck”. It involves perhaps the most heinous and atrocious acts known to man.
    A strapping Negro slave, who was defiant, surly and may stir up trouble, was beaten with a whip till bloody in front of his entire slave congregation. The slave owner, deathly afraid of an uprising, would cut down a tree and, with the help of the overseer, would then pummel the deviant “buck” into submission. Once the slave was worn down, the white master had the other Negro slaves force him over the tree stump where his britches would be removed and he laid fully exposed and ripe for the taking.
    What came next caused fear and terror to ripple through every slave plantation across the South.
    The master, drunk on blood lust, would explain to all strong, young black men that if they do not follow strict orders and comply with the whims of the Overseer and the Master, this too would be their fate. He removed his own clothing and proceeded to savagely sodomize the buck in front his wife, family, friends and children. He then invited his associates from other plantations to join in the ****** Festivities.
    In order for his plan to take effect, he would require the buck’s male child to watch, front row center, so he too can witness his father’s sexual demise and humiliation. Buck Breaking was the slave master’s very effective tool to keep all young black slaves from ever being defiant and taking revenge. It also frightened the mother’s and wives from ever giving consent to an uprising.
    Buck Breaking was so successful that it was made into a “Sex Farm” where white men could travel from plantation to plantation feeding their sadistic, homosexual needs. If there was ever any doubt that the white race is our mortal enemy, please remove all doubt and see the truth for what it is. An Example of modern day buck breaking is:
    Those of us that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Have you ever wondered how is it possible that so many Black people Yearns whiteness in spite of a brutal history to the contrary?
    Have you ever wondered how is it also possible that despite of this brutal history that the white society is now perceives as being collectively of the highest ethics and morals of the human family?
    Such a contradiction is almost inconceivably. Some may even perceive it as insane. But what explains such a profound contradiction? The answer to this perplex question isn't very difficult at all. The reason for this immense contradiction is not because Black people are foolish or forgetful as some have short sighted and frustratingly stated.
    The real reason for this grossly inaccurate favorable perception of whites is because the ruling class whites have revised history. Black people have been deliberately mis-educated to forget their historic brutal mistreatment committed by the white race and have been made instead to admire whites.
    The version of history given to Black people where heavily revised to favor the agenda of the ruling white elites while hiding the true brutality of their crimes committed against Blacks throughout history-- and in doing so fostered an unrealistic sense of false patriotism used to manufacture Black allegiance to a still racist white government.
    From their established positions of power, the white race monopolizes all given information. Because whites are controlling most , if not all, the information given to Black people this allows them to therefore control and form the perceptions of Black people.

    The undeserving white loving mindset held by many Black people are the intentional out come of a massive deliberately designed psychological warfare program. Because whites are controlling most , if not all, the information given to Blacks this allows them to therefore control and form the perceptions of Black people. This psychological conditioning process is being done to Black students during their educational development wherein which they're being mis-educated to respect and admire white culture and achievements above their own.
    Moreover, it has blinded us all from truly seeing the collective white psyche as it really is. The collective White psyche is rarely, if ever examined in particular regarding their predisposition for racism and greed of power. From their positions of power, they examine and label all other races as they see fit, but rarely, if ever do they evaluate themselves or are evaluated by others. The fact is that within the collective white psyche there is a profoundly entrenched predisposition for racism that is matched only by their proclivity for deceit, greed and hunger for power.
    While labeling all other races as being savages they have in fact been the most brutally savage throughout history. They alone are the most arrogant and the only race predisposed to racism; all other races have been their enemies or their victims. Their subjugation, murder and exploitation of all other races are unparalleled. They possess a brutal history consumed by unrivaled racism, as well as unjustifiable wars and crimes against humanity.
    Prominent Western scholars have always found it necessary to revise history erasing African people from all significant events of the world and while making their race appear more relevant and lesser inhumane. They deliberately disseminate all information that historically and presently implies their white superiority while withholding and suppressing all information that refutes it. As long as it is Whites that are exclusively writing the educational curriculum and keeping the scores on the societal scoreboard they will always give Black people those fraudulent misinformation that implies Black inferiority and their false white superiority. It is a method of control used to maintain white dominance by means of mass manipulation. Since information directly influences our thoughts then this process allows them to control our thoughts.
    By Franklin Jones from his book entitled The Black Matrix: Perception management Program used to Control Black People (c) 2006, revised 2008


Jul 2, 2015
Needle Monster wants to vaccinate all the civilians :russ::francis::russ::mjtf:


(NaturalNews) Parents of dozens of African children severely injured by a combination meningitis vaccine known as MenAfriVac are demanding answers following a recent declaration by government officials that the vaccine was somehow not the culprit in the tragedy. According to an investigative report by's Christina England, at least 500 children in the small village of Gouro in Chad were held hostage last December by so-called "humanitarian" groups, who forced them to receive the deadly MenAfriVac vaccine, which in many of them caused severe convulsions, paralysis, or worse.

In early December 2012, the children were reportedly put on lockdown at their school and coerced into accepting the MenAfriVac vaccine for meningitis A as part of an aggressive initiative launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, PATH, and MVP (Meningitis Vaccine Project). The children's parents were not told about the vaccination efforts, nor were they sought for parental consent, and yet these children were threatened with being cut off from an education if they refused the shot.

Not long after the vaccines were administered, at least seven female patients between the ages of eight and 18 suffered serious adverse reactions and had to be rushed to the hospital. They were later flown along with at least 20 others from other areas to Tunisia where they were further examined. Biological tests revealed that some of the children had suffered from thrombopenia, or a lack of platelets, while others developed bacterial abnormalities and other problems. In the end, however, authorities dismissed any connection between the vaccines and these varied injuries, even though it was obvious that the two were directly linked.

The children were eventually returned home and declared to be just fine, but their parents tell another story. According to insider information obtained by England, these children definitely became injured as a direct result of the MenAfriVac vaccine, and it played out in the form of severe swelling, paralysis, and renal dysfunction. And the children's parents are now seeking help for their babies, all of whom have been denied follow-up medical care as a result of having been falsely declared to be "healthy."

"The children suddenly drop to the ground and shake violently before going paralyzed," explained one relative of a child to England. "We do not know what is wrong and we want answers. No one will help us. Our children were well and fit, we have never had meningitis in our area, so why did they vaccinate our children with this vaccination? Our children have since become aggressive in their behavior and have a rash all over their bodies. They are having terrible frightening convulsions. Why won't anyone help us?"

African children being used as lab rats in heinous vaccine medical experiments