Post Some Spooky Sh%t In This Thread


Jul 2, 2015

For her series Evidence (2009), Angela Strassheim photographed homes where familial homicides have taken place. Strassheim extensively researched the sites before approaching current residents to ask permission to photograph the room in which the violence occurred. She wanted to be sure the residents already knew of the incidents, so that, in her words, she would not be “the bearer of bad news.” She approached approximately 140 residences across the United States, of which 18 granted her access. Before approaching the door, Strassheim photographed the exterior of the home in color. Of these exterior photographs, she exhibits only the homes that did not grant her access so as to protect the location and identity of residents who did grant access. However, she includes the murder weapons as part of the titles of the images of home exteriors, whereas she titled the interior photographs of crime scenes generically with numbers.

Museum of Contemporary Photography


Jun 14, 2018


Jul 2, 2015

"a dramatic new discovery, the skeleton of a man crushed by an enormous stone while trying to flee the explosion of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 A.D.Pompeii officials on Tuesday released a photograph showing the skeleton protruding from beneath a large block of stone that may have been a door jamb that had been “violently thrown by the volcanic cloud.”

Pompeii: New find shows man crushed trying to flee eruption in 79 A.D.


Jul 2, 2015

Woman wanted for several felonies is run over by police cruiser and is killed.​

5 Weird Things That Happen When You Die
Death is called the great unknown for a reason: Much of what happens after we kick the bucket remains a mystery. But forensic experts at least know a few things that will happen to your body when you go belly-up. And they’re pretty damn weird.

  • You turn purple. If you were to look at the underside of a dead guy’s body—like the shoulder blades or curves of the back—those areas would be purple and splotchy. How come? Once your heart stops pumping, gravity immediately forces your blood to pool up in your vessels, in a process called livor mortis. This gives the skin covering the areas where blood is pooled a deep purple tinge. Of course, livor mortis doesn’t have to occur on your backside. If you croaked while lying on your side or your face, those are the spots that would take on the purple hue.
  • You (sort of) get an erection (men). If you die face-down, your blood could also conceivably settle in your penis—which creates the appearance of a boner. But the chances of going out with a bang are pretty slim. It’s actually more possible that your penis will look like it’s ejaculated after you’ve died. “Sometimes we’ll find discharge near the penis on a corpse, but this comes from the passive seeping of fluid from the prostate gland,” Dr. Melinek says. “It’s leakage—not ejaculate.”
  • You fart through your mouth. Not surprisingly, your immune cells stop working when you die. After a few days, that allows bacteria from your gut and upper respiratory tract to invade your bloodstream and start feasting on your blood and tissues in a process called decomposition. While the bugs eat, they let out a lot of foul-smelling gas that gets trapped in your intestines and stomach. If someone puts pressure on your body or moves it, that pent-up gas can waft out through your mouth or your butt. And it reeks. “The smell is like flatulence or vomit mixed with decomposition,” Dr. Melinek says.
  • You twitch. Ever hear the one about a corpse popping up from its coffin? (Un)fortunately, that’s just a myth. But your body can make sudden spastic movements as it transitions into complete shutdown mode—even if you seem totally dead. That’s because you can still fire off random, jerk-like movements as long as you’ve got some last-minute, lingering brain activity. “You can certainly have a gunshot wound to the head that doesn’t completely damage the brain stem or spinal cord, so there could be some twitches while the death process is occurring,” Dr. Carter says.
  • You moan and groan. When doctors try to resuscitate a person, they pump extra air into the patient’s lungs and stomach. But after you’ve died, that air can still escape—especially if someone applies pressure to your chest or stomach while moving your body. And since that air is flowing past your vocal chords, it can cause a legit grunting sound. Which is obviously terrifying.


Jul 2, 2015

John Wayne Gacy dressed as his alter-ego, Pogo, c.1970’s. An American serial killer and rapist, also known as the Killer Clown, who was convicted of the sexual assault and murder of a minimum of 33 teenage boys and young men in a series of killings committed between 1972 and 1978 in Chicago, Illinois.


Jul 2, 2015


Mexico’s JonBenet Ramsey

The mysterious death of disabled 4-year-old Paulette Gebara Farah in March 2010 is considered the most bizarre case in Mexico’s recent history. For once, the cartel wars didn’t dominate headlines.

On March 22, Paulette’s parents reported her missing from her bed. There were no signs of forced entry or struggle. An intense search continued for 9 days, until a gruesome discovery was made in the most unlikely of places. Her badly decomposed body was found where she was last seen, in her bed, wedged between the frame and the mattress, hidden by blankets. Her mom Lisset sat on that very bed to give tv interviews. It had been thoroughly searched by puzzled investigators many times. An obvious question was how nobody smelled the unmistakable stench of death. Her COD was asphyxiation and occurred a day before she was reported missing. Suspicion fell on Lisset, but authorities later deemed it an accident. However, most believe she killed Paulette and got away with it.


Jul 2, 2015

While aboard the Queen Mary a few years back my Uncle George took this picture of what he thought was an ordinary vestibule. When he got home he printed out his pictures but wasn’t expecting to find what looks like a ghost walking down the hall. My Uncle is 78 and does not believe in ghosts, but this freaked him out. He doesn’t even like to talk about the incident. I was just watching a special on the 10 most haunted places and when the Queen Mary was listed I felt compelled to send in the picture.


Jul 2, 2015

The 19 Creepiest and Weirdest Things Children Have Actually Said

1. This boy who probably needs an exorcism:
I work at a summer camp and one day I was playing with this kid who was jumping off of things and onto me. I said, “Hey, be careful. If you kill me I can’t play with you anymore.” He looked me dead in the eyes and said, “No, but I can play with you.”

2. The scariest moment of this parent’s life:
I woke up to find my 3-year-old son lying in bed next to me. I asked how he got in my bed, and he said he came to protect me from “the light eyes” that were standing over me while I was sleeping.

3. This little girl who deserves her own horror movie:
I was babysitting a family friend’s kid, and it was just the two of us in the home. She looked around and whispered to me, “We’re not alone in this house.”

4. This paranormal activity:
My mother was babysitting my daughter while I was at a doctor’s appointment and said, “Oh no, Grandma. Mama’s not coming any more today. She was in a bad, bad accident. She can’t come get us.” I had indeed been in an accident that almost killed me at that exact time. None of my family had yet been notified.

5. This real-life Poltergeist:
I was babysitting and didn’t know how to turn off the TV, so it was just static. My 4-year-old cousin stared into the static and said, “I see the monster”.

6. This insane Freaky Friday exchange:
My sister, Hailey, was born exactly two months after our great-grandmother died. One day Hailey woke up and informed us it was her 95th birthday. When we tried to reason with her she started crying, saying that her real name was Irene (my granny’s name), not Hailey. This lasted all day, and the next day she didn’t remember anything.

7. This frightening premonition:
On our way to the theme park, my little cousin once told me, “You’re going to die today.”

8. This child who belongs in The Sixth Sense:
My little cousin said her imaginary friend “Chucky” told her to kill her dad. It turns out they used to have a pool in their backyard that was covered up after the last owner committed suicide. His name was Chuy, but my little cousin couldn’t pronounce it so she called him Chucky.

9. The scariest future doctor in the world:
We were on a boat on vacation and my 4-year-old cousin got really close to me and whispered in my ear, “I want to be a doctor so I can watch children die.”

10. This unnerving question:
In the middle of the night, my little sister turned to me and said, “Do you hear them talking?” But it was dead silent…

11. This story that belongs in a Stephen King novel:
My son told me about a “dead woman with blue skin, no hair, and black eyes” who supposedly lived in our old apartment. He said he watched her follow us outside and try to get in our car but there was no room so she stood outside and watched us leave while waving goodbye.

12. This playful game gone awry:
I was babysitting a 2-year-old boy. We were playing with blocks and he was laughing, when he suddenly turned to me and said, “I’m gonna shoot your head off.” We played hide and seek that night and I was terrified of him finding me.

13. This devilish boy:
My 3-year-old son and I were walking in a crowded mall. He likes to say “hi” to everyone. He started “hi,” “hi,” “hi,” as people walked by, but out of nowhere he pointed at a man and said, “You’re going to die,” and then he continued with his hellos. Super creepy.

14. This ghostly encounter:
I’m a nanny for a toddler who’s still learning to talk. As we walked through our local cemetery, which is normal in our neighborhood, she pointed at the area above the graves, saying, “People! Look, people!” over and over again.

15. This haunting feeling:
When I was really little I pointed to a tree outside my house and said to my family, “That tree is going to die.” No one thought anything of it, but the next morning it randomly fell over and crushed my grandpa’s car.

16. The scariest song this mom has ever heard:
My 3-year-old son was softly singing while he was coloring. I stopped to listen, but I had never heard the song before. I asked where he learned it, and he said, “The lady in my bedroom sang it to me.”

17. NOPE:
My sister described her ‘imaginary’ friend, saying, “He sits on my bed and waits for his mom. He’s not allowed to go home by himself because of his arm.” I asked what happened to his arm, and she said, “His mom ran him over when he was drawing with chalk. That’s why he’s always crying, because he doesn’t like being dead.”

18. This spooky occurrence:
When I was about 4, my mom found me in the bathroom with all my Barbies, making them float facedown in the bath. When she asked what I was doing, I replied, “The man in the wardrobe told me if I didn’t do it, it would be my turn to swim facedown.”

19. And this frightening conclusion:
I work with kids on the autism spectrum. One of them said, “They can see us, but we can’t see them.”


Jul 2, 2015

The skull of who was once known as the Two-Headed Boy, born in 1783 in the village of Mundul Gait in Bengal. Born into a poor farming family, he was nearly killed almost immediately after his birth after a terrified midwife threw him in a fire to destroy the infant. However, he miraculously survived, but not without severe burns. His parents decided to make money by showcasing their son, where he garnered a great deal of attraction from all over India. When large crowds would gather around to observe the two-headed boy, his parents would sometimes cover him with a sheet and hide him in darkness for hours at a time. Often, the two heads would function independently. If the main head cried or smiled, the second head’s features did not always match. If the main head was sleeping, the second head was typically alert and awake, its eyes darting around. The legendary Two-Headed Boy died at just the age of four of a cobra bite. The skull is now on display at the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of London.