If you don't know, we'll be more than happy to tell you......as long as our Alzhiemer's don't prevent us.....

Man I loved watching old shows as a youngster. The fact I didn't know the people made me want to watch the show even more. That is why I knew so many old shows and entertainers from before I was born. To me it was just a way to take a peek into a time before you were born. So even as a kid in the 80s and 90s I would watch old shows just to catch on to shyt my parents or grand parents, teachers or elders (I worked with at my summer job at 15 or 16) were saying.
Then hit them elders with a response and they would be like

young blood how you know about that. Then I would be like old school some of us youngins know about that too...

I think back in the past the youngsters wanted to know about past entertainment much more. Than today where past entertainment is treated more disposable and pass its prime so that new entertainment can be consumed quickly.