I usually don't join in these Schotty bash sessions that Reb has had over the past half decade, but I paid attention last year and Schotty is terrible.
The two gifs in this thread is proof. The OC has two main responsibilities play calling and play design. Some OC's like to be simple in their play calling, but their play design skills are intricate. Each play has layers that allows for an option to be open no matter what defense. This is kinda true for most WCO coaches. Some use simple plays and let their play calling throw the defense off balance.
His plays obviously aren't layered. His play calling isn't throwing the defense off balance. Look at the first gif Reb posted. The defense is waiting for the WR's to run hitches. You can put it on players running the wrong depth, but he called the same play on 3rd and 9 that he did on 3rd and 5 in New York. That's not to mention that Bradford had a statline that's reminiscent of Sanchez 198 yards passing and 1 TD on 25 attempts. Stephen Jackson, who we all know to be talented, 21 rushes 50 yards....sounds kinda like Shonne Greene the past couple years. Running plays can also be predictable as hell too.
I guarantee you when he called that play every person in the Ram huddled pulled this face

or this one

or this

or this
The team is also held back by Jeff Fisher's terrible antics as well. If I hear one more analyst call dude a great coach I'm gonna lose it.