@Pookie the fukk is your problem cracker? get your ass the fukk in this thread...

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
This @Ron Fox stranger is either a troll or he has Stockholm Syndrome it seems that he loves his oppressors. I bet this dude believes ISIS is a threat to America.

I dont have oppressors. My mortgage is paid so the bank doesnt fukk with me. My car is paid for so no repo man can fukk with me. I'm in a contract for 3 years so I'm not worried about money. I dont owe the IRS so Uncle Sam dont fukk with me. My only opposition is the rac00ns and cats that look for food in my backyard and the ants that pop up when the weather gets warm.

I dont have a miserable life like u do to where the oppressors are on my back like they are yours. I'm actually on the clock this very second and thats just more money for me while u are helping me kill time at work.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Dude..I already stated in this very thread that I work in a resource room in a veteran facility. I been hear for 12 years. This place would fall apart without me and u over here calling me weak and u know nothing about what it is I even do.

You literally called me weak and u dont know shyt about my occupation. Like dude, why dont u have a realistic conversation and ask me what it is I do. My supervisor isnt even white...she's a Black woman who looks like a dark skinned Aaliyah. This place is funded by the government..This place isnt shutting down ever. This is a veteran facility. LOL.

You see u and me cant relate because i'm dealing with reality and u are stuck on Tariq Nasheed talking points. I cant even have a real conversation with you because u to stuck on saying the opposite of whatever I say.

this is your 3rd response and u still havent admitted to being wrong about me being white. Says a lot about your character.
You def dreaming bruh

That wake up call is gonna hit you hard

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
You def dreaming bruh

That wake up call is gonna hit you hard

Well then we can end the speculation right here...
The Powerball is almost 500 Million. Thats a half a billion. Since u can see in the future why dont u tell me the winning numbers.

I'll play them and if I win then you have proven that u can see in the future and I'll admit that u are someone worthy of taking serious and I'll split the winnings with you. If I dont win then u will be proven to be full of shyt when it comes to seeing into the future.

So let me get them winning numbers.

Oh yeah this is your 4th response and u still haven't admitted to being worng.

Amor fati

Dec 2, 2016
Great Britain
I dont have oppressors. My mortgage is paid so the bank doesnt fukk with me. My car is paid for so no repo man can fukk with me. I'm in a contract for 3 years so I'm not worried about money. I dont owe the IRS so Uncle Sam dont fukk with me. My only opposition is the rac00ns and cats that look for food in my backyard and the ants that pop up when the weather gets warm.

I dont have a miserable life like u do to where the oppressors are on my back like they are yours. I'm actually on the clock this very second and thats just more money for me while u are helping me kill time at work.
Bla Bla Bla
So what you're saying is you're a c00n that lives in the Matrix and lives a fantasy life trolling.

Peace out c00n


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Well then we can end the speculation right here...
The Powerball is almost 500 Million. Thats a half a billion. Since u can see in the future why dont u tell me the winning numbers.

I'll play them and if I win then you have proven that u can see in the future and I'll admit that u are someone worthy of taking serious and I'll split the winnings with you. If I dont win then u will be proven to be full of shyt when it comes to seeing into the future.

So let me get them winning numbers.

Oh yeah this is your 4th response and u still haven't admitted to being worng.
You can joke all you want.

Ill remember that when you get hit by racists

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
@Gonzo :umad:
You such a bytch and a fukking loser.
As if your negs actually do anything except make me laugh.
You suspect too....
Don't make me have to put you on that summerjam screen.

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
Bla Bla Bla
So what you're saying is you're a c00n that lives in the Matrix and lives a fantasy life trolling.

Peace out c00n

LOL.....Dude u been on this site for 9 months......I been on this site for 5 years and your post count is double mines. And you have the nerve to say I live in the Matrix


and how serious can I take u when u just jumping into conversations u dont even know about. That 'Rat language' comment was an inside jab that u not even in on. So it doesnt matter what u believe, u jumping into convos leaving comments all out of place proves that u all up in my ass and u dont know shyt.

You can have the last word weirdo.


Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
You can joke all you want.

Ill remember that when you get hit by racists

LOL. So basically u just wishing something bad happens to me :heh:

I've been sitting at the same location for 12 years eating pretty good and u want that to just end from some made up racist boogey man. Dude u sounds like a straight hater right now. You not even talking realistic. I'm sitting here about to clock out and u are making me laugh.

Real talk..in this facility. I've only had issues with these 2 a$$hole Hispanic security guards. They are the only ones I ever had a problem with in my 12 years here. My dude, I have whats called a career. I cant relate to u homie. We are on different wave lengths. U and I are on different frequencies. We dont relate at all. Like I said I have a contract. They break that, they pay up. I win either way but they havent broken it in 12 years and doubt they will just because u wishing they would.

and unlike u, I seriously hope things turn out for u because u calling me white for no reason and giving irrelevant negs for no reason, u wishing my career will end from some racist boogey man for no reason....It tells me u have a little bit of 'miserable in you and that its not really me u mad at. Hopefull you too can have a career that makes me happy, u see thats me wishing good on you, not bad like u are doing to me.......

You can have the last word homie.....I'm clocking out. Tommorow is Friday and after that I have the weekend to myself. Thats right, I have a career where I get to take weekends off. Like Nas said, Life is good. :ahh:



just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
LOL. So basically u just wishing something bad happens to me :heh:

I've been sitting at the same location for 12 years eating pretty good and u want that to just end from some made up racist boogey man. Dude u sounds like a straight hater right now. You not even talking realistic. I'm sitting here about to clock out and u are making me laugh.

Real talk..in this facility. I've only had issues with these 2 a$$hole Hispanic security guards. They are the only ones I ever had a problem with in my 12 years here. My dude, I have whats called a career. I cant relate to u homie. We are on different wave lengths. U and I are on different frequencies. We dont relate at all. Like I said I have a contract. They break that, they pay up. I win either way but they havent broken it in 12 years and doubt they will just because u wishing they would.

and unlike u, I seriously hope things turn out for u because u calling me white for no reason and giving irrelevant negs for no reason, u wishing my career will end from some racist boogey man for no reason....It tells me u have a little bit of 'miserable in you and that its not really me u mad at. Hopefull you too can have a career that makes me happy, u see thats me wishing good on you, not bad like u are doing to me.......

You can have the last word homie.....I'm clocking out. Tommorow is Friday and after that I have the weekend to myself. Thats right, I have a career where I get to take weekends off. Like Nas said, Life is good. :ahh:

Im being realistic

White racists have been getting active recently so those 12 years of peace dont mean shyt.

Like i said you gonna get your wake up call soon.

Detroit Wave

Feb 9, 2014
The D
Ive known @Pookie for damn near 10 years from being in the air force, he aint a cac. I used this nikka id to get into clubs before i was 21 :heh: this nikka been trollin since yahoo chat room era.

Now as far as c00n shyt, he never did anything to me or our black mutual friends/acquaintances that hindered our lives/career in any way. He reached out and made me feel welcome when i first got to my first duty station when i was 19. Yes his wife is white and his first wife was also white.


Dec 28, 2016
No, there's plenty of Black folk that go hiking, make clothing for dogs, surf, skate, play punk..all stereotypically white hobbies, merely doing them doesn't mean shyt

Being a contrarian just because, hating radical Black politics, using false equivalencies, and wilful ignorance, that's how you act white

This and there is a few cats that fall under the umbrella here. Being a shyt starter for no reason, just to be a fukking ass. There act is so transparent. When certain issues are important to the community.


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016

This is exactly what I was talking about on the 1st page. The stupidity on this site when it comes to race is beyond super sayin levels.

Now this piece of shyt obviously didnt see the ban bet thread..after i posted this video dude started crying cuz he didnt wanna take a 1 year vacation....started coppin pleas and shyt and my race was the least of his worries all of a sudden

This is exactly why u cant have a real conversation about race in TRL without some ignorant moron spewing bullshyt shea butter twitter rhetoric. Its one of the reasons TRL is a joke and not to be taken serious

You're a part of this site and you're discussing race. If we're stupid you're stupid too, stupid. You need discipline in your life you fat ugly motherfukker. You're a weak willed coward because you don't respect yourself enough as a black man to be fit and you've married two white women. You're defending someone who thought a thread celebrating a monument to a racist being removed was bad. You're a fukking idiot. I'll fly to NY to slap one of your chins off your fat fukking face.

@Pookie You bytch ass motherfukker, your ancestors are ashamed of you. Calling an African American 32yo man a little African is the same as calling a grown ass Black man a little black boy. You know exactly what you were saying. @Sagat and I want to stomp you the fukk out because you support slave owners. It has nothing to do with a thread rating. You know it. Stop playing dumb, be a man, and own up to being a coward.

I hope your loved ones get burned to death and buried under the charred remains of the shyt hole home you live in. I'll harlem shake at the wake in a ski mask, with a bat in hand, OJ gloves on, and some Afro Beats playing while I give anything breathing in that building shots to the face with a bat.

Matter of fact I'll give you and Ron that Casino treatment.
