I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
So I was told that as a christian it's right for the victims and families of the victims to forgive in public because that is what Jesus did as he was being crucified on the cross, he forgave his those who stoned him in public.
Of course that's what you were taught

And having our plantations, the time and persons of our servants wholly under our control, we can arrange the manner and frequency of our instructions, as we please, and the period of these instructions with as much punctuality, and with as little interruption, as we can arrange the morning and evening devotions of our own fire-side. Our very children might become, to some extent, teachers, by reading to them plain portions of the Bible, or plain Tracts and things of such sort
Will the authority of the Masters be weakened by instructions of this sort? No, it will be strengthened. And we believe that their authority can be strengthened and supported in this way only; for the duty of obedience will never be felt and performed to the extent that we desire it, unless we can bottom it on religious principle
It is a matter of astonishment, that there should be any objection at all; for the duty of giving religious instruction to our Negroes, and the benefits flowing from it, should be obvious to all. The benefits, we conceive to be incalculably great, and [one] of them [is] there will be greater subordination . . .amongst the Negroes.
n order to induce a sense of guilt, [you] must charge upon the Negroes those particular sins to which they are so much addicted, and expose their enormity and consequent punishment in the world to come.
The matter of preaching to the Negroes should] deal much in parables, historical events, miracles, lives of men holy and profane, as found in the Bible, and the great and wonderful works of God: all in illustration of doctrine and practice. He must reason much by illustration. And as the great majority of them do not read, he should read and explain God's holy word to them constantly, and as extensively as possible
Let them [the slave masters] invest a little capital in the minds and hearts of their people [Negroes], and it will prove to all concerned, a peace-giving and profitable investment for time and for eternity. “. . . for time and for ETERNITY”