I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
We don't control white supermacy white people do. If we did this entire thing would have been over along time ago.
We've been under attack for 400 years and in that span of 400 years you don't think black people ever fought back?. Black people have to right to singing, praying and forgiving or what the hell they want. Stop policing what these black people do because your are so concerned about what racist whites think of you.
It's coming from a place of racial insecurity and its unhealthy behavior. You're embarrassed by them because WHITE people see them as weak and you internalize that white conditioning and so you see them weak also. Aligning with yourself with white perceptions and taking on those same beliefs because honestly deep down you want that approval.
You should not act because of what white people think of you. You shouldn't be reactive because you don't want to look weak in the eyes of white people. You should act from the frame of mind of sustaining your identity, culture and community! Point blank period.
That is basically the crux of argument.
You are an absolutely god awful poster