they telling the truth but not the whole truth when they call this dude mentally ill...the part they leaving out is his white identity is his sickness and the myth of white supremacy is what made him crazy...just hours before this happened another crazy ass white person was all over the news saying she a black woman...treating these crazy people like nothing wrong with them is a false move...we need to get real and admit something is wrong with the so called white race group and do something about it...or we can keep acting like everything is fine on their side and go back to bullshytting until another "crazy" or "mentally ill" white person pops up...
forreal, white racism is the mental illness. these white folks are taught from day 1 that they're inherently superior to blacks. so they loose their minds when they see black folks doing well for themselves. that's why all these cacs need anti-depressants and mood stabilizers. they biologically yearn for the days when they could brutally subjugate black men, while sexually manhandling the black woman.