<--- Cleveland Browns winning that many, boi!
You're absolutely right, but you only highlight what's absolutely wrong at the same time.Black people are not so quick to forgive. Ya'll are seeing these black people though the eyes of a white lense.
Who said the victims loved ones actually forgiven them. Just because they go on tv and say it? As if people don't hide their true feelings on public platforms?Why are you painting these black people with this broad one dimensional submissive view?
Those people are probably grieving and mad but the reason they are saying it differently is NOT because of religion its because of white supermacy. You don't think those black people are angry and going through a span of a tons of emotions right now?
Fukk 'them' and all who seek to judge based on non-genuine principals. I'm tired of playing by the rules for a team who doesn't respect me for anything other than what I can do or offer them.
My feelings, fears, beliefs matter, not because I'm a black man, but because I am a man.
This is where I want to see growth amongst ourselves. Where we reach a mental plane where we see ourselves beyond the fog and hold accountability for all who follow or oppose what we stand for.
The facts are the facts. We know the history of racism in our country. Fine... but we must centrally organize in a way that produces more answers on who we want to be than questions on how we are seen.
IMO... too much time/emotion/words are spent talking/worrying about 'them'. Do us. Learn us. Lead us. If that happens, order, on all fronts, will follow.