them edomite jews still fukking up egypt for putting them in slavery 3000 thousand year ago
Breh... I was thinking the same thing. These people ain't even buried yet and people damn near stumbling over each other to forgive and pray for dude.
american blacks and their religion, so fukking pathetic
cac all the snitch nikkas need to neg youamerican blacks and their religion, so fukking pathetic
Exactlythis is a christian nation, and this same forgiving attitude isn't taken toward ISIS, Al Qaeda, Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and countless others.
seems like Black christians are doing all the forgiving while white christians are doing all the killing while simultaneously saying "God bless America", reason is, is that whiteness is the God of America.
Yet during sandy hook when white people were on television saying they forgive him none of these Submissive arguments were even made. Ya'll let white people do things but black people don't have the luxury to do the same.
Stockholm syndrome to the fullest.
Stop. And calm down. I believe that black folks got the right to believe in whatever.
But you can be RELIGIOUS and still be RIGHTEOUS.
Jews got a defense league and their own police forces...
Christians go to war for religion.
Muslims pray and fight...not to paint all of them with a radical brush...but when shyt needs to be done...it needs to be done.
And the victims in this case are already gone. So I'm not blaming them...I'm blaming the people that are still alive for uttering that BS...that makes us look weak as a collective...which allows for this to happen again and again and again...which allows courts to acquit and try the defendants/perps as not guilty. BEcause if black people are forgiving them...what sense does it make to bring them to trial? Nothing will happen...they know it...they take advantage of it. HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THIS!?
I'm not even trying to go back and forth with this cause you're seemingly so caught up in whatever...that whatever point you're trying to make is getting lost.They don't like you because your black point blank period! The common thread in these injustices over a span of 400 year plus is blackness.
The holocaust happened to Jewish white people. You trying to compare a group of people who have face persecution on a global scale to religious group of white people who face persecution in a White supremacist system Is doing a disservice to the gravity of the situation.
No. Just giving a possible reason.So?Does that make it irrelevant?
I'm absolutely sure charleston took just about 15 sec for people to die
and In a white supremacist system you think black people are on the same levelOk?Regardless a Jewish community exists.
and In a white supremacist system you think black people are on the level![]()