Police Respond to Shooting at Charleston, South Carolina Church - Update: Captured

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Some white woman on CNN with a "Love Thy Neighbor" sign tried to pin this on TEACHERS being too MEAN towards STUDENTS.



Oh word... because it looks like hate hasn't lost once.

They could have just not said anything...

I understand putting on a brave face or whatever (My guess is that they all got together before the hearing, and likely agreed to, as one, preach forgiveness/jesus/god have mercy)....it's just that...I'm so sick of seeing this same crap over and over and over.

And you're damn right. Cruelty >>>> All that other shyt, throughout human history...

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department

Rick Perry, the former Texas governor and current Republican presidential candidate, described the mass shootings of nine black worshipers by an apparent white supremacist as an “accident” caused by drug abuse.

The GOP candidate appeared Friday on Steve Malzberg’s Newsmax TV program to complain that President Barack Obama had already politicized the massacre at the Charleston, South Carolina, church in his ongoing effort to restrict gun rights, reported Right Wing Watch.

“This is the (modus operandi) of this administration, any time there is an accident like this,” Perry said. “The president is clear, he doesn’t like for Americans to have guns and so he uses every opportunity, this being another one, to basically go parrot that message.”

Malzberg, who on Thursday hosted a frequent Fox News guest who said whites would likely kill even more blacks if Obama keeps calling them racist, asked Perry whether the massacre was an act of terror.

“I don’t know, but I think the facts, once we get them – there were more people than that killed in Paris,” he said, stalling first and then changing the subject to the Charlie Hebdo attacks, which claimed 12 lives. “This was a crime of hate – we know that.”

He then changed the subject to prescription drug use – which he said may have been to blame for the massacre.

“It seems to me, again without having all the details about this, that these individuals have been medicated and there may be a real issue in this country from the standpoint of these drugs and how they’re used,” Perry said.

While we're out here holding hands and shyt, the other side is buckling down and pushing their narrative at any cost....
:salute: this beautiful black sista. Great to see entertainers who have a lot to lose showing support.

None of that pray/forgive talk. Hopefully the youngins get it ingrained that if these people don't give us respect we gotta take it. As the Goat Malcolm would.

The generation of peace is hopefully moving out and won't confuse the youth with they garbage

Honestly, she's one of the few I've seen speak about this. I've not done any extensive research of course....but I'm feeling like most of these celebs are spooked to so much as even tween a hashtag. Black celebs are the worst.
Jun 8, 2012
Forgiveness my ass.

Straight up...dude needs to die.

Poetic justic would be him getting his head blown off by a sawed off shortly after he leaves the courtroom.
Man Sharpton on the phone commending the family on forgiving them :scust:

These hoe ass nikkas need to go. They disgust me with their weakness.