Paradoxical Tiger
Head Youngin of CatSet
I’m fixing to start reporting nikkas for kewning on god
- Fukk them they doin o sadistic shyt like that.
Would pay to see alladin in a cage with a polar bear tho
2 top apex predators walking on this earth..
If I'm not mistaken they were originally called 'Water Bears'..
Do Jordan vs LeBron nextPolar Bear:
— Largest land predator on the planet
— Hypersensitive sense of smell, capable of tracking a scent through 3 feet of ice.
— Paw swipe strong enough to decapitate someone
— 1,200 PSI Bite force, strong enough to crack a bowling ball.
Siberian Tiger:
— Largest species of Tiger, largest of the Big Cat group.
— Experts in stealth kills.
— Can mimic the sounds of other animals in the environment.
— 1,000 bite force, stronger than a Grizzly Bear and can drag an ox over a 6ft wall with it’s jaw strength.
— One of the strongest paw swipes known to man at 10,000 PSI if it swings on someone.
Winner: Polar Bear. The Tiger wouldn’t be able to do too much damage to it thanks to its 4 inch thick layer of fat and blubber beneath the skin. While the polar bear could one shot the tiger.