Dirty Sprite Legendary
All Star
Brehs I just got a lucky egg, when is the best time to use it?
when you are next to a lure pokestop
when you are about to evolve a whole bunch of pokemon
Saw a Scyther on the side of the road during lunch
Ran up on him with a Pokeball like
Only a 10 CP, but glad to finally have one in the collection.

This shyt got me ready to commit that. Me and dog just walked all through the damn woods, wit critters and shyt, working on this 10km egg. These nikkas got the nerve to give me a fukking Eevee.
trust me you will want that pokemon because it evolves into something so powerful and

i got one to that just hatched with a lot of candy

today was crazy there was a mini gathering at the park
i dropped a lure then out of nowhere a white guy and ggirl pop up
we get to talking and he says dont you recognise me im the guy that smashed your gym and took it back

we got to chatting and i found out that he is the guy that has all the 700-1000cp+ pokemon at like 8 or 9 gyms

then an asian guy and his dog called soya (

then another asian pulled up on a mountain bike and we feasted for 30 mins
just before the lure ended i caught a 301 cp squirtle

the asian guy who was next to me is a level 12 and he saw the exact same squirtle but its cp was 31

i was only one level higher than him at the time

im almost level 15
here are my top guys i am still stashing dust