Me and a friend hit up this park about 30 minutes from my house. Met up after work at the mall and just started riding around looking for good spots. This park had three pokestops all bunched together and people kept dropping lures. Had like a crowd of twenty just gathered there eating. Took over one gym before going there and another on way home but got defeated at the last gym. Maybe even at the first one by now. One of the gyms at the park had a nice 800+ lapras. I think it was a friendly gym too. I would've kept driving around my area after i split with my friend but the servers kept crashing so I decided to come home. Besides I was starving. Pokemon Go making fools skip meals out here to catch this Pokemon.
Here's how I'm looking so far. Lot of battle wounded Pokemon i gotta heal up. And I'm out of pokeballs.
Nothing too special. Gotta go out there and explore some more.