man today pokemon go was good to a nikka
got my first one of these in a 5km egg
went to one of the biggest parks in south east london called burgess park
shyt was mad hot today was the hottest day of the year in the country ass titties out bbq being cooked all over the park.
Some guy had dj decks and a crowd of like 200 people were just partying fun vibes. As we were leaving the park my boy who is team blue with a couple weak pokemon he is level 13 says i should destroy the gym so he can put his shyt in there for the coins. Im team instinct and do not mind helping a fellow nikka in the struggle. So i easily dispatch of the gym in like 30 seconds but someone from red team dropd their shyt in there before my friend

I look across the street and see a blonde woman so we head over there and make conversation and it turns out she is from new zealand. we keep battling each other for the gym and troll each other by putting wack pokemon in there.
30 mins later i drop a lure turn on my incense and lucky egg it is time to get shyt popping

a crowd of like 15 people appear and everyone is eating off me and then i shout out to everyone i can see this crazy pokemon with ???? CP
everybody goes batshyt crazy and everybody caught it except the new zealand girl her shyt ran away after one attempt

and one other white guy his battery died before the third ball spin with the pokemon inside it

this game brings all the races together shyt is crazy