I can't belive grown men are in this thread literally stanning for a self millionaire breh to marry a bytch he met when he was already on his way.
2nd having watched a gang of YouTube content since 2007 and having emotional intelligence, 90% of everything happening in this guy's channel as far as his relationship with his baby momma is concerned is utterly fake and for clout/views.
Lastly all you brehs need to search up The Black Phillip Show by Patrice O'Neal and read "The Predatory Female" by Lawrence Shannon.
Such a lack of understanding of female nature and mating psychology in this whole thread.
Brehs talking about "ride or die".

Also this notion of a man needing to have kids or else he'll be old and lonely is such a feminine shaming /dread passive tactic that women always ALWAYS use.. Again I'm shocked the amount of projection going on.
That said this Chris guy is not that smart, a classic case of an average looking l short man complex lame getting more money than he could ever have imagined and now living the Playa lifestyle (minus the emotional and social IQ of a natural Playa)... Thus all these dumb moves