remake of beloved game
If it’s not a Japanese studio thenShe said an asian studio is doing Metal Gear Solid…..idk how to feel about that. I honestly dont even care to see bluepoint do it if Kojima isn’t involved.
Xbox has acquired plenty of studios right, I have never made a thread about them acquiring a studio nobody cares about. And the ones everybody cares about is talked about enough without needing my assistance.This is why I don't be giving that crazy motherfukker @PS5 any grief, as out of pocket as their takes seem to get. They are needed to balance out yall fukery.
Somehow I thought this already happened.
Sony is playing a fair game, buying either unknown studios or studios that have been an unofficial 2nd party studio for years. Smart, strategic acquisitions. Firesprite alone is 300 employees.
Xbox has acquired plenty of studios right, I have never made a thread about them acquiring a studio nobody cares about. And the ones everybody cares about is talked about enough without needing my assistance.
But then I always get grouped up with them like I do the same shyt? I DON'T. I'm intelligent enough to joke here and there but there's a difference. I don't hype up things because they are exclusive. I never LOVED Halo multiplayer until H5, I've always told everyone uncharted was favorite franchise, I played all the Sony classics with the Sony stans up until last gen.
But afterwards they'll tell you how racist it is on a system they don't have a system that doesn't even have ppl talking because of party chats. Somehow that's more racist. I play more than any of these dudes ONLINE, trying out all types of games (more than most) so I would encounter that more if it were true. I haven't encountered a racist since the 360 era.
So I'm crazy for trying to keep this place as you say balanced? I don't think that's crazy at all. You deemed it necessary even... exactly
I didn't take it as a slight, I was just clarifying the reason for the seasonsI didn't mean any harm by the comment. I just know if I get on and see a thread title that reads, "Remember this day in the year of our lord 2011, when PSN was hacked!" or some other wild shyt I assume it's you. I think it's funny honesty and considering the more frequent Sony fanboying probably deserved. I don't give a shyt either way, I play and enjoy both.
Day one!!!Concept art leaked in insomniac data breach