Everybody has their opinion......Nobody can prove anything when talking hypothetically. If we could have seen Jordan and Pippen face off 1-on-1 in their prime we could talk something. But we didn't and can't, so opinions it is.
I agree about having different opinions but calling them almost equal is pretty far out there... Now has there been games or a playoff series where Scottie was on equal footing (or even better) than Jordan? Ofcourse... but looking at a full season or a full playoff run, In my mind, it's ridiculous to call them even close to equal... To me (and almost all other basketball heads from the 80s and 90's) MJ was head and shoulders above Scottie and that's not to shlt on him, It's just Jordan was just on another level compared to the rest of the league...
Listen, I like Pippen, it does bother me when people shlt on him and underrate him and i think he was one of the most complete players of all time but if you look at his stats from 94 and 95 you'll see that they didn't change much from the earlier or later seasons when jordan was there... and i'm not just talking about points here; assists, rebounds, etc... He is an amazing player who benefited greatly from playing with MJ and while most people argue that it's because of MJ that he often gets overlooked and underrated, i would say that without Jordan, he would have actually been less famous and even more underrated and would've been seen as just another pretty good player in the 90s... (which isn't true and i don't agree with btw)...