Mike played in a substantially less competitive era...
Regardless, in Bron's career 2003-present:
•no one else won more than 3 total championships (Duncan, Steph, Wade); Bron has 4
•no one else won more than 2 chips as the best player on their team (Duncan, Kobe, KD); Bron has twice that at 4
•no one else won more than 2 MVPs (Nash, Steph, Giannis); Bron has twice that with 4
•no one else has more than 9 Top 5 MVP finishes (Kobe); Bron has 13
•no one else won more than 2 FMVPs (Kobe, KD, Kawhi); Bron has twice that with 4
•no one else has more than 5 (Steph, Wade) appearances in the championship round; Bron has twice as many with 10
•no one else has more than 9 1st Team All-NBAs (Kobe); Bron has 13
•no one else has more than 10 total All-NBAs (Kobe, CP3); Bron has 17
All objective criteria says Bron has dominated his era, 18+ years 2003-present, essentially twice as much as whoever you think the next closest guy is. You can dance around it however you choose but everything we use to attach value and assign greatness to players, Bron has done it more and better than anyone else whose career overlapped with his, though I'm sure now you'll find a way to say any of these measures aren't what we use to substantiate credibility of greatness to guys lol...
You a real hater...