I shop at the one on germantown ave sometimes.
Prices are cheaper but i noticed a lot of the products are nearing their expiration date and they will have a product once then never again, it's kind of like a marshalls for food.
far as the "black owned" bit, not really. The one i go to tried to spin the same thing so i looked into it. Its backed by cacs but they use a black person as the face for the community buy in. The one near me built luxury apts on top of it, so I think they finessed the black economic development bill by getting a black person involved and maybe throwing in a few "low income" units and then marketing the grocery store as being black owned
not bringing this up to shyt on the markets, cause they still provide a service to the community and prices for stuff is cheaper. Just not sure how to feel about a business being "black owned" when ultimately cacs stand to make the most money off it being successful