Petition to Remove Illadope as Mod

What should they do to that fakkit?

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said what he said
May 2, 2012
This nikka is like the Biggie & Tupac of absolutely nothing. He went out like a bytch

Return of the Jedi

Star Wars & Sneakers
Apr 30, 2012
The Anti-George Lucas Coalition
Im sayin if nikkas pressed that link and had real life issues, you can imagine tryin to explain that shyt

*o sorry baby, im sorry i couldnt get there before you got raped, some nikka on that hiphop site sent a demonic link that erased my phone*

bytch ass nikka illadumbfukk. :pacspit:
Dude was such a fukkin demon bruh :smh:


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Illadope was a good mod. But he was an even greater man.
I don't know what illadope did for a living, but he sure did love him some iPhone
And at the end, his love for that iPhone caused him his life.
This nikka is like the Biggie & Tupac of absolutely nothing. He went out like a bytch
Most nikkaz is now like :salute: and I wouldn't wanna be ya
But come on now, he's one of us. He was a pal. When did super sohh become so damn sensitive?
Sure that fakkit tried to erase your whole shyt, thats tough love man.
He loved you guy :to:
So before I post u a goodbye song, I want him to make sure he doesn't have a problem getting his shyt together.
I got your back bruh...

How to Pack your Luggage like a Pro? - YouTube

:whew: Court is in rare form


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
i dont think yall need to be going in so hard on illadope. he helped out a lot of people over the years. its very possible that what he said is true and someone was on his account, and this doesnt really seem like something he would do. unfortunately theres no way to prove that and ultimately everyone is responsible for whats posted from their screenname (especially mods) so we had to make a hard decision, but i dont think its something for people to be celebrating

also even with dope gone, theres 4 mods in this forum which is enough for right now. we're not looking to replace him. you can put your campaign signs away for now
So basically it could be either or :hula:
pretty much, ILLA never took the shyt that serious hell he only ride with apple to make money

you sound extra salty he fukk your bytch? hell we should demod yo ass as well
You might be onto something :ohhh:
I highly doubt he was hacked.

Look at it like this, how many of yal friends that you know personally know you post on this board or boards in general? Then on top of that, how many of them would know to visit the same website and start posting? illadope must of really lived with the iPhone bias rampant in his life, because how would his friend know to post that exploit with the irony of him being pro iPhone?

I call bullshyt.

He thought it would be funny, people called him out on it. Then he started doing damage control.

If not, then that's some nerdy ass shyt that he got caught up in and he would have to literally have had detailed conversations with the person who did it for him to even know to go that far. It's too much of reach.
I started going to sohh because of a few friends.
And a BUNCH of people then become sohh members because of me.
So what your saying doesn't even compute here bruh. Its not a large amount of friends, but I wouldn't of known of this place if it wasn't for friends so...
I totally forgot I even wrote that shyt :pachaha:
the fact that his "boy" posted in orange font is a dead giveaway he wasnt hacked
I've seen people post copying my whole steelo, let alone a color scheme
There was a fake **** goin around posting in pink
And BK already put a answer to how that would of happened regardless who was posting...
quick rundown, what happened here
A mod posted a link to glitch that would reset certain samsung phones.
Some say it would erase your shyt, others say it just resets. It probably just resets, but we don't care...

Later the mod says its not him, but a hacker. He was basically taunting us.
Whats odd to me is another mod (chewy) then immediately acted as if he knew it was Illadope the mod.
Its still unknown how he knew that, never really proved it either.
Anyone who knows illadope says he wouldn't even do shyt like that.
I don't hate him, but I wasn't greatly fond of him and almost don't give a fukk if he got ate by a whale :hula:
I just feel there's better choices of mods who should receive this type of treatment :whistle:

I won

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He uses the default text formatting feature
And evidence like this really makes it seem like it could of been a hack job.
But since there is no way to know for sure, I guess he gotta go.
He got caught slippin, and once that happens? Forgetaboutit