what is incorrect about what he said?
the US is in extreme debt, and it's only getting worse. our yearly balance sheets are looking
our spending is completely dysfunctional. we're spending way too much money on the wrong things (wars, excessive corporate subsidies, etc), and not enough money on the right things (education, infrastructure, technology). we need spending but we need responsible spending.
and strict regulations are needed in some sectors of the economy (banking, education, energy), while protectionism is needed in other sectors of the economy (transportation, natural resources, etc). everything is just a balance of protectionism, regulation, and free trade-but you gotta have the correct proportions of each.
and QE is no good if the right sectors are not being eased lol. the distribution of the QE money in the US was less-than-transparent at best and illegal at worst. not all spending is good spending.
and the fed is on some fukkery as well. i was done with the Fed when i found out they intentionally dont share information with the US government. greenspan admitted as much in his book and bernake is well known for buck-dancing around congressional questions. that behavior to me is unacceptable, all conspiracy shyt aside. imagine your accountant not showing you your records
but ultimately this is all a moot conversation until we get the criminals out of the government. if we continue to have a government that cares more about individual/party agendas more than they care about the welfare of the people, then we're fukked no matter what system is in place.