I don't like Obama either but I think all of this hate for him is a little unfair. The president is merely a frontman. He's a zombie with no soul who only follow the orders of his paymasters. All of the anger should, instead, be redirected at the bankers, military industrial complex, oil barons, etc. In the grand scheme of things Obama/Bush/Clinton/Carter/Reagan/etc. aren't shyt.
Then get up there and tell the world that you are puppet. He would instantly be one of the greatest leaders of all time if he laid your truth on the line.
Closest we have had to warning about what you are implying is Ike and Washington, but they did it in their farewell speeches and didn't go into detail.
Until he does, he assumes responsibility.
I don't like Obama either but I think all of this hate for him is a little unfair. The president is merely a frontman. He's a zombie with no soul who only follow the orders of his paymasters. All of the anger should, instead, be redirected at the bankers, military industrial complex, oil barons, etc. In the grand scheme of things Obama/Bush/Clinton/Carter/Reagan/etc. aren't shyt.
Slightly off topic, but Ike might be the GOAT prez
Ummm no. He had mad dirt on his hands.
Very few don't.
Maybe he was a product of the overall societal happiness of getting out of the war and benefiting from the economic and industrial foundation laid down during the war (increased manufacturing), but he was still very good. He kept the country going in the right direction, preached moderation (which trickled down in to his applied theories) and did a lot for the inter-state system. For the most part, he was a beloved figure in American history and is vastly underrated. He even basically shat on his own party. He was as independent as there was.
Peter Schiff is a joke though ... this is not a legitimate criticism at all
And people like the OP alternate between being extreme debt hawks and advocating massive Keynesian spending while simultaneously wanting strict regulations on industries and protectionism.
Be an economic schizo, brehs.
If he knew there would be hate why did he take the job? Think about it.