By the time their competitors hit the market Nintendo is already gonna have a solid base. Nothing against Microsoft or Sony but i fail to see how they're ever gonna catch up. realistically we're probably gonna see these next crop of systems about two years from now. that's too long to leave Nintendo on the market alone for a console generation.
personally i'm lukewarm on Nintendo as a fan even though i plan to buy the Wii U but i think its hard to see how they don't take this. Sony and Microsoft kept dragging this console generation on for too long. we're like 7 years into it now and they haven't even announced successors yet officially.
i know the graphics snobs look at the Wii U and feel like its a last generation console but its probably gonna be received as the most popular console of the next generation if for nothing else the fact that it got the ball rolling before the other competitors were more than a twinkle in their maker's eyes.
personally i'm lukewarm on Nintendo as a fan even though i plan to buy the Wii U but i think its hard to see how they don't take this. Sony and Microsoft kept dragging this console generation on for too long. we're like 7 years into it now and they haven't even announced successors yet officially.
i know the graphics snobs look at the Wii U and feel like its a last generation console but its probably gonna be received as the most popular console of the next generation if for nothing else the fact that it got the ball rolling before the other competitors were more than a twinkle in their maker's eyes.