Pentagon pushed secret anti-vax campaign against China to sell more US vaccines

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
If another WikiLeaks type breach happens from the Government. All the Shills on here will be editing their post history like crazy.
Exactly like those compulsive liars @Professor Emeritus and @BaggerofTea always talking the loudest like theyre smarter than everybody.

@Pazzy has created an imaginary person on The Coli who shares my screenname yet has nothing to do with me at all.

Are you aware that I constantly attack the USA for its propaganda and hypocrisy in foreign policy? That my avi until recently was Noam Chomsky, the man who literally WROTE THE BOOK on American propaganda campaigns, and that I'm defending his takedown of American hypocrisy in a thread at this very moment?

Remember, Chomsky's #1 contribution to politics in his life was naming and explaining how regimes like America use propaganda and distortion to build support for their policies. That's what his seminal book, Manufacturing Consent, was about. The kind of people who hate Chomsky are the kind of people who don't want their techniques for manipulation to be named. That's why you don't see them engaging with the facts, you don't see them posting honest, objective criticisms, instead you see them partaking in the exact kinds of disingenuous manipulation that Chomsky warns us about.

* Chomsky’s work on corporate media and how it is influenced by both government and cultural factors led to the propaganda model of media criticism and has been a dominant force in media studies.

Chomsky's essay on the responsibility of intellectuals to oppose their own nation's wrongdoings

Chomsky's essay on America's long history of supporting counter-revolutionary violence

Chomsky's model of propaganda

Manufacturing Consent, Chomsky's treatise on how corporate media aligns with imperial interests


That's just one thread, just from this week, and I have 13 comments in that thread that mention "propaganda". Criticizing American propaganda and hypocrisy, attacking the USA's foreign policy, tearing into neoliberals and neocons alike, is one of the things I'm known for on this forum. But you think a thread which shows a great example of that is somehow going to "expose" me?