That's cool news.
Those kids have a better chance of making it to the show. It's only half the equation though. They need to 1. grow tall, 2. practice, 3. stay in shape. If they don't make it, at least they'll take away better basketball skills they would have otherwise never received.
When you love the game, even coaching is fun. You impart your wisdom and knowledge to win. You teach young ones "tactics" that are new to them, give and go, set up a pick, etc. and practice it. When it works in a game, it's like "I told you it works".
And then, you'll see plays that the other coach utilizes and you'll be like "Ugh! We are burned on the same play." So, you get a timeout. You draw out the play, on a whiteboard, that they're running and you tell them how to defend against it." Coaching is a mental game.