Anyone defending Paterno either doesnt have kids, or if they do, they've contemplated, or are contemplating having sex with them.
Anyone defending Paterno either doesnt have kids, or if they do, they've contemplated, or are contemplating having sex with them.
Amd yes it's THAT serious. I sincerely hope that anybody defending Paterno's for any reason whatsoever is a demonic CAC, because a any person of color doing so is just ridiculous. Those were BLACK BOYS being raped by Sandusky and Joe Pa's evil sadistic heart didn't give a shyt. Just filthy perversion of the highest order.
There should be a celebration like when Saddam Huessin's statue was taken down.
If i was there, I'd have a boombox, saluting the workers taking the statue down, playing "Let's Hear It For the Boys", while jogging in place to the beat
"Arrrrggg, lets give the boys a haaaaaaaaaaaaaand"
And muthafukkaz always come back with "u cant overlook his accomplishments!".
The hell we can! This ugly scandal overrides whatever he accomplished.
We have a responsibilty to protect children. These sick fukks saw what was goin on and kept quiet.
The fact that there are people trying to give him a pass because of what he did for a game makes me sick
Yep.White people have fukked up priorities.