PBS: Alex Jones Was Actually Right, Chemicals Used On Our Food Are Turning Frogs Gay & Into Females


Oct 25, 2012

The Frog of War

When biologist Tyrone Hayes discovered that a top-selling herbicide messes with sex hormones, its manufacturer went into battle mode. Thus began one of the weirdest feuds in the history of science.

Darnell lives deep in the basement of a life sciences building at the University of California-Berkeley, in a plastic tub on a row of stainless steel shelves. He is an African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, sometimes called the lab rat of amphibians. Like most of his species, he’s hardy and long-lived, an adept swimmer, a poor crawler, and a voracious eater. He’s a good breeder, too, having produced both children and grandchildren. There is, however, one unusual thing about Darnell.

He’s female.

Genetically, Darnell is male. But after being raised in water contaminated with the herbicide atrazine at a level of 2.5 parts per billion—slightly less than what’s allowed in our drinking water—he developed a female body, inside and out. He is also the mother of his children, having successfully mated with other males and spawned clutches of eggs. Recently he was moved to an atrazine-free tank and has turned lanky, losing the plump, pincushion look of a female frog. But last March, when UC-Berkeley integrative biology professor Tyrone B. Hayes opened him up to take a look, Darnell’s insides were still female. “He still has ovaries, but there’s no eggs in them,” Hayes told me the next day as we stood watching the frog, who swam over and inspected us soberly, then turned and flopped away.

The Frog of War

The Weed Killer That Turns Male Frogs into Female Frogs Could Be in Your Tap Water

The European Union just banned two agricultural weed killers linked to infertility, reproductive problems and fetal development - the first-ever EU ban on endocrine-disrupting pesticides. That’s good news for Europeans. But as in Europe, many endocrine-disrupting weed killers remain widely used on American crops, and from farm fields make their way into drinking water and food.

One of the most widely used and most troublesome endocrine-disrupting pesticides in the U.S. is atrazine. Manufactured by agro-chemical giant Syngenta, atrazine is sprayed mostly on Midwest corn fields and is consistently one of the most detected crop chemicals in drinking water.

Tests by the Environmental Protection Agency have repeatedly found atrazine in Midwestern drinking water sources that exceed levels of concern for infants and children. In 2009 The New York Times reported that an estimated 33 million Americans have been exposed to atrazine through their taps.

The hormone-disrupting qualities of atrazine have been well-documented, most notably by Tyrone Hayes, a professor of biology at the University of California at Berkeley. His extensive research has shown the chemical altered the reproductive systems in frogs.

In 2010, Hayes and a team of researchers exposed 40 male tadpoles to water with atrazine at 2.5 parts per billion - well within the EPA’s established drinking water standards. Roughly one-tenth of the frogs that grew in the atrazine-tainted water become “functionally female,” Hayes reported.

Atrazine is banned in Europe. But it is the second most-used herbicide in U.S. agriculture, with more than 60 million pounds sprayed on crops each year, behind only Monsanto’s glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup.

Some farmers are reducing the need for herbicides like atrazine by switching to organic production methods or adopting new weed management strategies. But the federal government doesn’t invest enough in supporting such innovative strategies.

Most federal farm spending supports and encourages large-scale industrial farming, dependent on chemical pesticides and fertilizers that pollute streams, rivers and lakes. Of the meager support for more sustainable farming, even less is dedicated to practices that reduce the need for pesticides. As a result, most farmers seeking financial help to reduce chemical use are turned away.

EPA is currently reviewing the regulations on atrazine, and should release its assessment in the next year. To protect public health and ensure clean drinking water, the agency should recognize the harm caused by atrazine and restrict its use.

The Weed Killer That Turns Male Frogs into Female Frogs Could Be in Your Tap Water | HuffPost
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Oct 25, 2012

(Natural News) The “fake science” bullies of the pesticide / herbicide industry are now attacking Alex Jones, claiming he’s lying about atrazine causing the feminization of frogs. (Check out the hilarious “Alex Jones Gay Frog Dossier” video for proof.)

But it turns out Alex Jones is correct. As the lab science director of CWC Labs, I not only conduct mass spec analyses of pesticides and herbicides in foods, but I also have access to a massive library of published books describing the toxic effects of hundreds of different pesticides. Atrazine is widely documented as a “powerful chemical castrator” that transforms males into hermaphrodites, the animal kingdom version of a “metrosexual.” It’s also widely present in the U.S. water supply. It is undoubtedly one of the chemicals currently responsible for the mass feminization of men in modern society.

To explain the science, I’m republishing an excerpt from the book Our Daily Poison – From Pesticides to Packaging How Chemicals Have Contaminated the Food Chain and Are Making Us Sick by Marie-Monique Robin, published in 2014. Click here to pick up the book at BN.com (don’t shop at Amazon.com, as its profits fund the fake news propaganda rag known as the Washington Post).

(Note to InfoWars and other indy media outlets: We can run research on any topic across over 1,000 printed reference books, using an automated system I built. So if you need supporting documentation on atrazine, glyphosate, BPA, medicinal herbs, vitamins or other molecules of interest, just ask me for a research compilation. In addition, my lab can easily detect atrazine in water, so if you want to grab water from Austin and have my lab test it, that’s a cinch. Imagine being able to publish a story, “Austin water supply found contaminated with feminization chemicals that turn men into metrosexuals…” We can literally run that research in just a few hours on various water samples from across the city.)

“The males became homosexuals and coupled with other males, adopting a feminized behavior… atrazine acted as a very powerful chemical castrator”

The most astonishing and relevant passage from this book is as follows, relating the findings from a brilliant scientist (Tyrone Hayes) who studied the effects of atrazine on males and the endocrine system:

“We observed that atrazine reduced the size of the larynx, which is the voice box in the males. Since they sing to seduce the females, this meant they were sexually handicapped. We also observed very low levels of testosterone among the adult males; some of them were hermaphrodites, which means they had both ovaries and testes. In certain cases, the males became homosexuals and coupled with other males, adopting a feminized behavior; sometimes they had eggs in their testes instead of sperm. Ultimately, atrazine acted as a very powerful chemical castrator that is biologically active at 1 ppb, and even 0.1 ppb.”

Tyrone Hayes maintains a very informative website called AtrazineLovers.com. (RELATED: We will soon be launching two news websites covering all this: Atrazine.newsand Pesticide.news. Be sure to watch for them soon. We already run Glyphosate.news as well.) Not surprisingly, the pro-GMO, pro-pesticide industry has gone to great lengths to try to discredit and destroy Hayes, just like they do anyone who dares conduct actual science on agricultural chemicals or GMOs.

“I should clarify that this process was closely monitored by Novartis, and then Syngenta. Initially, we raised frogs from the Xenopus laevis family in water reservoirs to which we had added different doses of atrazine, similar to what’s found in field drainage ditches and up to thirty times lower than the existing U.S. standard (3ppb)—meaning levels that a human being might find in tap water. To give you an idea, that’s the equivalent of a grain of salt in a reservoir of water. We observed that atrazine reduced the size of the larynx, which is the voice box in the males. Since they sing to seduce the females, this meant they were sexually handicapped. We also observed very low levels of testosterone among the adult males; some of them were hermaphrodites, which means they had both ovaries and testes. In certain cases, the males became homosexuals and coupled with other males, adopting a feminized behavior; sometimes they had eggs in their testes instead of sperm. Ultimately, atrazine acted as a very powerful chemical castrator that is biologically active at 1 ppb, and even 0.1 ppb.”

Alex Jones is right: Atrazine herbicide proven to be a "powerful chemical castrator" that turns male frogs into homosexuals... see the science
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Oct 25, 2012
He is also the mother of his children, having successfully mated with other males


We eat and drink these same chemicals in the united states everyday, europe banned it.

Deadly Pesticide Atrazine Likely Harming Most Species of Plants, Animals in U.S.

Banned in Europe, Atrazine is Second-most Widely Used Pesticide in U.S.

PORTLAND, Ore.— The amount of the herbicide atrazine that’s released into the environment in the United States is likely harming most species of plants and animals, including mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles, according to a risk assessment released today by the Environmental Protection Agency. Atrazine is also well known as a hormone disruptor that has been linked to birth defects and cancer in humans, and contamination of ground-, surface- and drinking-water supplies. About 70 million pounds of atrazine are used in the United States each year.

California red-legged frog by Gary M. Fellers, USGS. This photo is available for media use.
Anyone who cares about wildlife, people and the environment should be deeply troubled by this finding," said Nathan Donley, a scientist with the Center for Biological Diversity. “When the government's own scientists say there's enough atrazine in streams and rivers right now to kill frogs and other imperiled wildlife, we should be worried. How many animals have to die before we do what Europe did 12 years ago and ban atrazine?”

The second-most widely used pesticide in the United States and already banned in Europe, atrazine was found to cause reproductive harm to mammals and birds in real-world scenarios, with EPA “levels of concern” surpassed nearly 200-fold, according to the new EPA assessment. Atrazine is present in water levels much higher than are needed to kill frogs and others amphibians, whose populations are currently in steep decline across the United States. Numerous studies have shown that atrazine chemically castrates and feminizes male frogs at concentrations lower than the level allowed in drinking water by the EPA.

“When the amount of atrazine allowed in our drinking water is high enough to turn a male tadpole into a female frog, then our regulatory system has failed us,” said Donley. “We’ve reached a point with atrazine where more scientific analysis is just unnecessary — atrazine needs to be banned now.”

The latest findings come as the EPA is in the process of “registration review” of atrazine, a process designed to determine whether the chemical can safely be used in light of new scientific study. The assessment will inform EPA’s decision on whether to allow atrazine to be used for the next 15 years. The last time the agency fully analyzed the threats posed by atrazine was in 2003; no new registration decision has been made so far.

Deadly Pesticide Atrazine Likely Harming Most Species of Plants, Animals in U.S.


Oct 8, 2014
What was the drug that caused fish to commit suicide?


Oct 25, 2012
a lot of things 'conspiracists' were saying are actually true, including devices spying on everyone, the chemicals, etc.

it's ironic one of the things that fat crazy low key racist a$$hole got right, is one of the biggest things used to clown him, when people can easily fact check and see it's true.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Slowly but surely damn near all my social/scientific theories and conclusions are being proven right.

Already knew estrogen was in the drinking water. Females have gotten curvier and more volumptious across all races in america, the men have become more bytchmade
Already knew the uptick in homosexuality was due to manipulation (my guess was a combination of opiates altering brain chemistry and hormone unbalancing substances) rather than fakkit ass liberal lies like "they not scard to be gay no more"
Already knew homosexuality being strictly decided at birth was a lie

Trust your gut boys