Paul Ryan says poverty is due to culture of not working in the innercities

the next guy

May 2, 2012
There was only like 8 girls in my graduating class.
All the good p*ssy was at psychology majors across our building :lolbron:
Learning to get into peoples minds is what that women were about lol. But, good for you. I wish I had done something more comprehensive.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Paul Ryan’s White Hood



Paul Ryan’s White Hood

March 19, 2014

What notorious racist said the following? “Fewer young black and Latino men participate in the labor force compared to young white men. And all of this translates into higher unemployment rates and poverty rates as adults.”

“In troubled neighborhoods all across this country—many of them heavily African American—too few of our citizens have role models to guide them.”

“We know that more than half of all black children live in single-parent households…. We know the statistics—that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of school and twenty times more likely to end up in prison.”

“We know young black men are twice as likely as young white men to be ‘disconnected’—not in school, not working.”

As you might guess, Paul Ryan said none of these things. Barack Obama did—in heartfelt speeches at a Chicago church in 2008, at Morehouse College in 2013 and at the White House a few weeks ago.

In his instantly notorious interview with radio talk show host Bill Bennett, Ryan discussed fatherlessness and the importance of role models to passing along an example of hard work. “We have got this tailspin of culture in our inner cities, in particular,” he said, “of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work.”

For this offense, Ryan was awarded an honorary white hood by the liberal commentariat. But the broad sentiments are indistinguishable from those of Obama in the statements quoted above—all emphasizing a breakdown of work and the consequences of fatherlessness and social isolation—except Obama’s comments were more explicitly racial.

When Barack Obama says such things, which are undeniably correct, he is a brave truth-teller; when Paul Ryan says them, he is making an odious play for racist votes.

Many of the denunciations of Ryan have simply reflected the left’s well-developed reflex for wanton accusations of racism. But Ryan is so obviously not a bigot that liberal pundits have had to deploy a slightly different argument—that the structural racism of the Republican Party is so deep and pervasive that even a possibly well-meaning politician like Ryan can’t escape its gravitational pull.

Brian Beutler of Salon thinks if Ryan’s comment was intended innocently it is even more damning because “it suggests he, and most likely many other conservatives, has fully internalized a framing of social politics that was deliberately crafted to appeal to white racists.”

Writing in Politico Magazine, Ian Haney Lopez of U.C. Berkeley says, “Suppose we stipulate that Ryan is no bigot. So what? The question is not one of animus on Ryan’s part, but of whether—as a tactical matter—he sought to garner support by indirectly stimulating racial passions.”

Paul Krugman is also in the lack-of-bigotry-is-no-defense camp: “Just to be clear, there’s no evidence that Mr. Ryan is personally a racist, and his dog-whistle may not even have been deliberate. But it doesn’t matter. He said what he said because that’s the kind of thing conservatives say to each other all the time.”

This is all so extravagantly overwrought and strained that it’s hard to know where to begin.

If Ryan was secretly appealing to the subtle racism of Bill Bennett’s radio audience, he stepped on his message immediately. In the next sentence, he said that reversing this social breakdown in our cities is the responsibility of all of us.

“Everybody’s got to get involved,” Ryan said. “You need to get involved yourself – whether through a good mentor program or some religious charity, whatever it is, to make a difference, and that’s how we help resuscitate our culture.” (Note the possessive pronoun: our culture.)

This wasn’t a “dog whistle” to the civic-minded, it was an explicit call to arms to help out in “troubled neighborhoods” (to use Obama’s evidently more palatable formulation). That almost none of Ryan’s attackers had the decency to mention this part of his answer tells you everything you need to know about their credibility.

More evidence of Ryan’s alleged racist dog whistle was his mention of Charles Murray. Murray’s book, The Bell Curve, will forever be controversial for its treatment of race and IQ, but Murray’s latest work, Coming Apart, is about the social and economic struggles of the white working class. Notably, Ryan mentioned in the same breath as Murray the Harvard social scientist Robert Putnam, whose recent work has also focused on class divisions and social isolation.

These are the scholarly name-checks of someone who is thinking about the unraveling of civil society, not how to cozy up to old fans of George Wallace.

Ryan’s critics have a particular hatred for the word “culture,” as if it’s a concept that right-wingers came up with at Heritage Foundation retreat to justify nefarious doings rather than one that is central to understanding how the world works.

In the New York Times several years ago, the Harvard sociologist Orlando Patterson wrote a column pushing back against the “deep-seated dogma that has prevailed in social science and policy circles.” It rejects, he writes, “any explanation that invokes a group’s cultural attributes—its distinctive attitudes, values and predispositions, and the resulting behavior of its members.”

He argued that the economic boom of the 1990s “made it impossible to ignore the effects of culture.” The economy created millions of jobs yet “jobless black youths simply did not turn up to take them. Instead, the opportunity was seized in large part by immigrants—including many blacks—mainly from Latin America and the Caribbean.” Patterson blamed it on “the cool-pose culture” of many young black men.

Fortunately, the highly respected Orlando Patterson is not the Republican chairman of a House committee, or he could never show himself in polite society again.

As for Paul Ryan, he is such a callous dog-whistler that he has been on a tour of urban neighborhoods with the anti-poverty activist Bob Woodson as he formulates a new conservative agenda on poverty.

Ryan wants to reform welfare programs to incentive work and encourage institutions of civil society to fight social breakdown. His antagonists want to pour more money into all the same welfare programs that have failed to address the root causes of poverty for decades. Their ad hominem attack on Ryan signals how desperate they are to rule out of bounds any alternative to the failing status quo.

After his Bennett interview caused a firestorm, Ryan issued a minor clarification saying that he was “inarticulate,” in a good-faith gesture to his critics. He would have been entirely justified in telling them simply to go to hell.


May 6, 2012

What a great piece. The author is completely right.......there is nothing that Paul Ryan said about poverty in the inner city that hasn't already been said by President Obama. And seeing the additional comments that Ryan made about how everyone has a role in improving the plight of the inner city only further proves his intentions.

Like I said in the other thread.....the people attacking Ryan over this interview (Paul Krugman, Sheila Jackson Lee, the posters in this thread) are absolute scumbags. They are intentionally smearing an innocent person as racist solely for political gain.


Mar 2, 2014
I'm gonna toe a fine line here...
shyt, every other topic in here ends up being about race....
But this needs to be said...

Poverty in the black culture (fukk this inner city lingo, although it could be argued that other races living in inner cities might also develop a sense of complacency) is NOT due to the culture of not working, but it can ONLY be solved by a culture of hard working. What else do you expect? Just more government assistance? Maybe reparations (which I'm not against, but I don't see it being very likely, and I certainly wouldn't EXPECT it to happen)? Maybe a return to Africa? An act of God?

Nope, you just have to take responsibility for things that weren't your fault and fix them. This is a factual judgment. There's no moral judgment in that statement of what you should do, because who the fukk cares about hypotheticals.
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Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Ryan spoke about inner cities because he was specifically asked about inner cities.

If Republicans like Ryan don't talk about inner cities you left wingers will say that they don't care about black people. If Republicans do talk about inner cities you left wingers will say that they are demonizing black people as lazy with secret dog whistles. No matter what they say or do you are going to call them racist.

In conclusion you are an idiot.


Nov 26, 2013
What a great piece. The author is completely right.......there is nothing that Paul Ryan said about poverty in the inner city that hasn't already been said by President Obama. And seeing the additional comments that Ryan made about how everyone has a role in improving the plight of the inner city only further proves his intentions.

Like I said in the other thread.....the people attacking Ryan over this interview (Paul Krugman, Sheila Jackson Lee, the posters in this thread) are absolute scumbags. They are intentionally smearing an innocent person as racist solely for political gain.

the projection is holy and magnificent :sweetjeezus:


Nov 26, 2013
I'm gonna toe a fine line here...
shyt, every other topic in here ends up being about race....
But this needs to be said...

Poverty in the black culture (fukk this inner city lingo, although it could be argued that other races living in inner cities might also develop a sense of complacency) is NOT due to the culture of not working, but it can ONLY be solved by a culture of hard working. What else do you expect? Just more government assistance? Maybe reparations (which I'm not against, but I don't see it being very likely, and I certainly wouldn't EXPECT it to happen)? Maybe a return to Africa? An act of God?

Nope, you just have to take responsibility for things that weren't your fault and fix them. This is a factual judgment. There's no moral judgment in that statement of what you should do, because who the fukk cares about hypotheticals.

and what about black on black crime?:yasure:


May 14, 2012
Why don't conservatives talk about poverty in rural areas? How's the negative "culture" there?
They know that's where the GOP base is (South & Appalachia):stopitslime:

Poor whites have this "I may be poor but I'm still better than a n!gger" mentality. It's an existential pathology, a need for superiority to compensate for their failures.
That's why they are the most racist folks around, so they vote republican (against their best interests)... Associating with poor blacks would be too painful for their egos.

"If you can convince the lowest white man that he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll even empty his pockets for you."
- President Lyndon Johnson
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Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
I'm gonna toe a fine line here...
shyt, every other topic in here ends up being about race....
But this needs to be said...

Poverty in the black culture (fukk this inner city lingo, although it could be argued that other races living in inner cities might also develop a sense of complacency) is NOT due to the culture of not working, but it can ONLY be solved by a culture of hard working. What else do you expect? Just more government assistance? Maybe reparations (which I'm not against, but I don't see it being very likely, and I certainly wouldn't EXPECT it to happen)? Maybe a return to Africa? An act of God?

Nope, you just have to take responsibility for things that weren't your fault and fix them. This is a factual judgment. There's no moral judgment in that statement of what you should do, because who the fukk cares about hypotheticals.


May 6, 2012
Now the Wall Street Journal is calling out liberals for smearing Paul Ryan. I think people are starting to get tired of the left's obsession with vilifying everyone they disagree with.

Ryan, Obama and 'Racism'
Two men use similar language and the left calls one a bigot.

March 20, 2014 8:00 p.m. ET

A week later, and liberals are still lining up to assail Paul Ryan's "racism." The episode is worth noting not because Mr. Ryan said anything wrong, but because of what it shows about the political habits of today's elected and media left.

The Wisconsin Congressman has been looking into the problem of upward economic mobility and how effective federal programs are in combatting poverty. Appearing on Bill Bennett's radio program, Mr. Ryan observed that antipoverty assistance can often create "incentives not to work and to stay where you are, that's not what we want in society. . . . There are a lot of people slipping through the cracks in America that are not reaching their potential and we as conservatives should have something to say about that."
He also mused: "We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work, so there's a cultural problem that has to be dealt with."

The liberal online organ Think Progress led with the headline "Paul Ryan Blames Poverty On Lazy 'Inner City' Men," and it was off to the races. California Democrat Barbara Lee denounced his "thinly veiled racial attack," adding, "Let's be clear, when Mr. Ryan says 'inner city,' when he says 'culture,' these are simply code words for what he really means: 'black.'" Others were less charitable about his imagined neo-Confederate sympathies.

Mr. Ryan put out a statement saying he had been "inarticulate" but reiterated his point that "the predictable result" of the poverty trap for society at large has been "multi-generational poverty and little opportunity."

But don't take his word for it. "We know young black men are twice as likely as young white men to be 'disconnected'—not in school, not working. We've got to reconnect them. We've got to give more of these young men access to mentors. We've got to continue to encourage responsible fatherhood. We've got to provide more pathways to apply to college or find a job. We can keep them from falling through the cracks."
Those were the words of President Obama, speaking less than a month ago about his "My Brother's Keeper" project to help "groups who've seen fewer opportunities that have spanned generations," especially boys and young men of color. "It's going to take time. We're dealing with complicated issues that run deep in our history, run deep in our society, and are entrenched in our minds."

No less than Mr. Ryan, Mr. Obama sure sounded like he was talking about "a cultural problem." He didn't mention "inner cities," but his entire White House initiative is geared to helping young minority men, not whites. The President even concluded with an ode to self-reliance that Mr. Ryan might have considered a little too lacking in nuance: "Government cannot play the only—or even the primary—role. . . . It's ultimately going to be up to these young men and all the young men who are out there to step up and seize responsibility for their own lives."
So even though Mr. Ryan never mentioned race, liberals attacked his off-the-cuff remarks as racist while the President's moral lecture was hardly noticed. Republicans are accused of racism if they ignore the least fortunate, and now they're racist for taking poverty and its causes seriously. Unless you unreservedly favor the welfare status quo, or used to be a community organizer, the left gets you coming and going.

The attacks on Mr. Ryan are one more example of the politics of personal vilification that typifies the left these days. Its policies were supposed to reduce inequality, but instead the income gap is widening. They were supposed to lift people out of poverty, but poverty has increased.

So the last thing they can tolerate is a conservative like Mr. Ryan who is looking for better solutions and using a moral language of opportunity and upward mobility that could appeal to Americans of all incomes and backgrounds. Liberals have to smear conservatives personally because they know they're losing on the merits.

Suicide King

May 13, 2012

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
:snoop: Get all your news from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, brehs.............

I skip Op-Eds, except the ones at the end of 60 minutes by Andy Rooney.

If I took Op-Eds seriously, I might as well start taking blogs seriously, too. :laugh:


May 6, 2012
Oh shyt. An illiterate liberal confronted Paul Ryan at a town hall about his " racist" comments. I always wondered what kind of low information voters get their news from left wing blogs like Think Progress and this video pretty much answers my question. The exchange pretty much proves my thesis of how Democrats are getting uneducated people worked up about trivial nonsense to distract them from real issues.

Watch the video.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Oh shyt. An illiterate liberal confronted Paul Ryan at a town hall about his " racist" comments. I always wondered what kind of low information voters get their news from left wing blogs like Think Progress and this video pretty much answers my question. The exchange pretty much proves my thesis of how Democrats are getting uneducated people worked up about trivial nonsense to distract them from real issues.

Watch the video.