Paterson NJ nikkas dont give a f*ck, 2 nikkas dead during National Night Out

Uptown WaYo87

May 7, 2012
:lupe: those Dominicans just casually carrying out machete attacks and shyt

Dominicans and Puerto Ricans beefing out in that part of NJ? With Blacks too?

having a machete on you is a lifestyle for a lot of dominicans

even in our own country we petrified ready to pop off because so many people are poor so they ready to do anything for cash

so when nikkas come here to the U,S its like a open market when u see a bunch of nikkas with fly shyt on.

this one dude i went to high school with here in harlem carried a machete on him everyday, its easy to tuck in into your jeans if you know how to do it...just ask any dominican cat and they will name you a couple of crazy nikkas they know or are in the family.

i got family in paterson that just moved there straight from D.R a couple years ago...they seem fine..i hope they dont cross paths with these type of a$$holes