Parkland, FL School Shooting Possibly Still Active


Love, Peace, Health, and Wealth
Oct 27, 2016
The Keystone State
I don’t think this shyt was fake at all but seriously, that was CLEARLY a black woman dead on the ground in that live leak video but there’s no reported dead black victims? How?????

I think thats just her dark hair and blood obstructing her face. Her ankles and elbow area are much lighter.

:francis: RIP


May 23, 2012
Jun 24, 2012
Name one mass shooting since 2007 that you feel is legitimate, and not a staged government ploy to take away guns from americans.

Then explain the difference between that one and others.

Mumbai Attacks

Meet al-Attar shootings

Jokela School Shooting

Edmonton shootings

Danzig Street shooting

Chihuahua shootings

Knoxville Church shooting

There are dozens and dozens more in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Philly, etc.

2. The difference between the real and the fake is that the fake continues to be blasted on the tv 24/7 for about 1 week or 2 week. Only the real ones get a few minutes of time taken for their issues. Fakes are drills passed off as real with DHS and the Media. These drills( Capstone/ Active Shooter Drills) are controlled environment settings so there is no outside influence able to infiltrate the event and destroying the narrative.

3. A Real event is a consistent narrative that focuses on the information given about the story and gives only information needed to address those parts of the narrative. A fake event is a inconsistent narrative that focuses on the information given through sources that aren't valid or reliable and use them as facts. The narrative is confusing and changes constantly throughout the course of the media's performance.

4. Signs of a fake event are...

1. FBI/ATF/Military/State Police at the sametime were in the area that day

2. Drills that day( Hours before or minutes before)

3. A gun law( prohibition or not) is talked about in the local news for the state that is coming up to vote either day before or months before.

4. The media spills more info about the shooting before the investigation begins...that doesn't happen at real events.

5. Participants in the hoax immediately blame the gun, demand more gun control.

6. Shooters always have social media accounts and a manifesto.

7. Every shooter is dressed in all black or military camo and yet the media was told viewers that they know the identity of the shooter.

8. Eyewitness either see 2 or 3 shooters, don't see anyone and only hear shots.

9. Claims of students or scared victims hide in closets for hours even after police roam through clearing the building.

10. Shooting victims get hit, go to the hospital and get out like they had wolverine rejuvenation cells and are able to go on interviews in less than 24 hours.

11. Family Appears on tv less than 24 hours after the shooting.

12. An Assigned Photographer/News Reporter at every shooting event- In these hoaxes there are assigned photographers and news reporters from a station to cover it first. The reporter will announce the info given and update via twitter/facebook of every detail given. The photographer can be in France and be able to be in florida to cover another shooting with a quickness.

13. Non-Acting Victims with Gov't Ties and other media outlets- Normally through these events, it's not always the person who has acted before( Crisis Actor) but those who have connections with PR Firms/DOD/Media Conglomerates dealing with Government partnerships.

14.Product Placement- In all these events there will be a marketed product in the scene of the video/interview/pics that is being sponsored by. In the last events it's been Bank of America, Dunkin Donuts, Adidas, Nike, Toyota, Hotels,etc. It's used in movies all the time to help you buy them subconsciously.

15. FBI knew about the shooter months/years in advance and did nothing but the public blames guns instead of incompetent FBI.

16. Non-victims have time to snapchat and facebook their accounts during the shooting with no fear.

17. Grainy cellphone videos/pics of the victims or shooter

18. People who are involved have acting/political/media backgrounds

19 Duping Delight

I can go on but I won' need.


Melanated God
May 1, 2012
Mumbai Attacks

Meet al-Attar shootings

Jokela School Shooting

Edmonton shootings

Danzig Street shooting

Chihuahua shootings

Knoxville Church shooting

There are dozens and dozens more in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Philly, etc.

2. The difference between the real and the fake is that the fake continues to be blasted on the tv 24/7 for about 1 week or 2 week. Only the real ones get a few minutes of time taken for their issues. Fakes are drills passed off as real with DHS and the Media. These drills( Capstone/ Active Shooter Drills) are controlled environment settings so there is no outside influence able to infiltrate the event and destroying the narrative.

3. A Real event is a consistent narrative that focuses on the information given about the story and gives only information needed to address those parts of the narrative. A fake event is a inconsistent narrative that focuses on the information given through sources that aren't valid or reliable and use them as facts. The narrative is confusing and changes constantly throughout the course of the media's performance.

4. Signs of a fake event are...

1. FBI/ATF/Military/State Police at the sametime were in the area that day

2. Drills that day( Hours before or minutes before)

3. A gun law( prohibition or not) is talked about in the local news for the state that is coming up to vote either day before or months before.

4. The media spills more info about the shooting before the investigation begins...that doesn't happen at real events.

5. Participants in the hoax immediately blame the gun, demand more gun control.

6. Shooters always have social media accounts and a manifesto.

7. Every shooter is dressed in all black or military camo and yet the media was told viewers that they know the identity of the shooter.

8. Eyewitness either see 2 or 3 shooters, don't see anyone and only hear shots.

9. Claims of students or scared victims hide in closets for hours even after police roam through clearing the building.

10. Shooting victims get hit, go to the hospital and get out like they had wolverine rejuvenation cells and are able to go on interviews in less than 24 hours.

11. Family Appears on tv less than 24 hours after the shooting.

12. An Assigned Photographer/News Reporter at every shooting event- In these hoaxes there are assigned photographers and news reporters from a station to cover it first. The reporter will announce the info given and update via twitter/facebook of every detail given. The photographer can be in France and be able to be in florida to cover another shooting with a quickness.

13. Non-Acting Victims with Gov't Ties and other media outlets- Normally through these events, it's not always the person who has acted before( Crisis Actor) but those who have connections with PR Firms/DOD/Media Conglomerates dealing with Government partnerships.

14.Product Placement- In all these events there will be a marketed product in the scene of the video/interview/pics that is being sponsored by. In the last events it's been Bank of America, Dunkin Donuts, Adidas, Nike, Toyota, Hotels,etc. It's used in movies all the time to help you buy them subconsciously.

15. FBI knew about the shooter months/years in advance and did nothing but the public blames guns instead of incompetent FBI.

16. Non-victims have time to snapchat and facebook their accounts during the shooting with no fear.

17. Grainy cellphone videos/pics of the victims or shooter

18. People who are involved have acting/political/media backgrounds

19 Duping Delight

I can go on but I won' need.

Hmmmm ima keep it real with you chief...these are some good points you made. :ehh:

I personally feel like THIS one is real, so I can’t get with you on that but going forward ima keep those points in mind.

Personally I don’t care about this shyt any more once I saw no one Black died. That’s just how my mind works these days.:yeshrug:
Nov 11, 2017
White people talking about putting vets in classrooms :russ:

They don't even treat these dudes properly for PTSD, what could go wrong with putting an armed man that may have mental problems in a classroom full of annoying teens.
They don't have a problem hiring them as cops add far as i know.....PTSD and mental issues in tow


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
Any black man who is against guns needs to stop sipping that white liberal kool aid. You think Malcolm was against guns?

Just because you and Todd the latte sipping starbucks barista both hate trump, doesn’t mean your situation/problems are his situation/problems

Notice how you seldom hear about the KKK terrorizing black people in the south like they used to do back in the day? They didn’t get any less racist, black men started packing heat

Whites have the numbers advantage and control the military and police department so it is of no consequence to the avg white guy to give up his guns, it would render blacks even more helpless in a country where we’re hated and outnumbered by multiple groups
This is pretty much what I'm saying. You have all these white supremacist militias operating in this country. They are filled with Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. Then you have police working with these groups etc. So white folks outnumber us and outgunned us. We cannot afford to be like this because we are one bad crisis from white militias going ISIS on us.