Parkland, FL School Shooting Possibly Still Active


2 girls and they get along like I'm Lou Will
Mar 8, 2015
I don’t think this shyt was fake at all but seriously, that was CLEARLY a black woman dead on the ground in that live leak video but there’s no reported dead black victims? How?????


Aug 29, 2013
Taken from a reddit post (with sources):

There are is a lot of interesting debate here about gun control. Here's a TL;DR from [here](What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer)

* Americans make up about 4.4 percent of the global population but own 42 percent of the world’s guns. From 1966 to 2012, 31 percent of the gunmen in mass shootings worldwide were American [1] (Research on Criminal Behavior, Mass Shootings, Suicide Terrorism, and More)

* Adjusted for population, only Yemen has a higher rate of mass shootings among countries with more than 10 million people. Yemen has the world’s second-highest rate of gun ownership after the United States.

* If mental health made the difference, then data would show that Americans have more mental health problems than do people in other countries with fewer mass shootings. A 2015 study estimated that only 4 percent of American gun deaths could be attributed to mental health issues [2](Mental illness and reduction of gun violence and suicide: bringing epidemiologic research to policy. - PubMed - NCBI)
EDIT : This was misleading - The published paper reads
>Perhaps most importantly, the 1-year population attributable risk of violence associated with serious mental illness alone was found to be only 4% in the ECA surveys. Attributable risk takes into account both the magnitude of risk and the number of people in the risk category within the population.

* America’s gun homicide rate was 33 per million people in 2009, far exceeding the average among developed countries. Americans sometimes see this as an expression of deeper problems with crime. But the United States is not actually more prone to crime than other developed countries. Rather, they found, in data that has since been repeatedly confirmed, that American crime is simply more lethal. [3](America doesn’t have more crime than other rich countries. It just has more guns.)

* A New Yorker is just as likely to be robbed as a Londoner, for instance, but the New Yorker is 54 times more likely to be killed in the process.They concluded that the discrepancy, like so many other anomalies of American violence, came down to guns.

* In China, about a dozen seemingly random attacks on schoolchildren killed 25 people between 2010 and 2012. Most used knives; none used a gun.
By contrast, in this same window, the United States experienced five of its deadliest mass shootings, which killed 78 people. Scaled by population, the American attacks were 12 times as deadly.

* The United States also has some of the weakest controls over who may buy a gun and what sorts of guns may be owned.

* Switzerland has the second-highest gun ownership rate of any developed country, about half that of the United States. Its gun homicide rate in 2004 was 7.7 per million people — unusually high, in keeping with the relationship between gun ownership and murders, but still a fraction of the rate in the United States. Swiss gun laws are more stringent, setting a higher bar for securing and keeping a license, for selling guns and for the types of guns that can be owned. Such laws reflect more than just tighter restrictions. They imply a different way of thinking about guns, as something that citizens must affirmatively earn the right to own.

* After Britain had a mass shooting in 1987, the country instituted strict gun control laws. So did Australia after a 1996 shooting. But the United States has repeatedly faced the same calculus and determined that relatively unregulated gun ownership is worth the cost to society.

That choice, more than any statistic or regulation, is what most sets the United States apart.

EDIT : Formatting

EDIT 2 : A lot of questions about gun violence and mental illness. Here is (once again) a link to the text version of the paper (from 2015, by the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health) - (Mental illness and reduction of gun violence and suicide: bringing epidemiologic research to policy and thanks for the gold!

EDIT 3 : Please read the linked article! Takes about 6-8 mins tops. The title is "What explains U.S. Mass shootings?". I'm a firm believer that reading well researched articles/papers/journalistic pieces which provide the sources as well, lead to well informed, civil discussions based on facts and data. Since I'm a lurker_n00b Redditor who hasn't fully understood the etiquettes of posting, I placed this comment in this particular post since the discussions revolved around gun control in the USA - perhaps it deserved it's own post elsewhere. Also, in my haste I might have left out important contextual information around the points that I summarised! Please accept my apologies. I urge everyone stepping in here to read the linked article. Thanks.

EDIT 4 : (Probably final edit, thanks for all the comments!) I decided to delete the final quotation - which was from a tweet - that I had included at the bottom of my comment from the original article. I think it's unnecessarily dramatic and takes from the point of the original article and you can find it there anyway.


Green diamonds like a dill pickle
Sep 17, 2014
Mods need to start banning these conspiracy nikkas from threads like these. Yall enable the weirdos who are out here calling folks families and telling em that they're crisis actors and their kids never existed. shyt is sick. :snoop:
Jun 24, 2012
Mods need to start banning these conspiracy nikkas from threads like these. Yall enable the weirdos who are out here calling folks families and telling em that they're crisis actors and their kids never existed. shyt is sick. :snoop:

KING TUT "Yes mods ban anyone who disagrees with me, i have a hivemind "

No one is calling folks family...:duck:

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
I think it's weird a 19-year-old kid even knows about anifta

Also I think society is quick to throw cats out the door who can't compete economically or socially.

Dude was a loner and gravitated towards where he got acceptance

Sad situation all around but to be that young and worried about "society" when you need to just live life.

My boss is 30, that's it, he's way younger than me and he doesn't give a damn about anything except his paper and his females, he's Asian.

That's the mentality you really gotta have, no need to be young speaking race, culture and politics with no hoes in your bed.

I'm over 40 and just starting a career, I never offed anybody or ended up in Jail. I tricked when I wanted a nut, I'm still on the road to recovery and living how I should but I ain't giving up.

Instead of buying p*ssy which I think is a waste of time since I can't pipe unless I pay, I take the 150 or whatever and buy some nice shoes or nice clothes...

My goal is to make myself feel good and be in a situation of happiness instead of temporary satisfaction

I feel the dude was a loner isolated from his peers

and went ALT=R

Dude, if he had a chick and a life he wouldn't have taken this path imo

Sucks but America is quick to disregard then come back with hugs and prayers when it gets real

Be careful watching black panther tonight in a unarmed setting with 200 black folks in a theather, be very careful

Alot of these WS boys are just frustrated people who can't get what they want and go somewhere they're accepted.


May 2, 2012
she isn't dead :lupe:

these are the confirmed dead

all crisis actors. right @thekingsmen
Jun 24, 2012
Im obviously talking about Sandy Hook you brain dead fakkit. Slit your wrists.

You heard about a story about someone calling the family and none of it could be confirmed except for the Posner father who lost his case against Halbig.

Be black and believe in the sandy hook story, brehs.