Parkland, FL School Shooting Possibly Still Active

Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Real shyt I think most black people would be fine with gun control. As bad as we’re painted out, I think we’d generally be cool about it as most blacks don’t carry anyway. It’s the cacs that want their AK-9000s.

Polls show Black people overwhelmingly support gun control. Why wouldn't we? The issue I have with people saying "gun control. gun control" every time something like this happens is that murder is against the law anyways.


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014

and they took cac in alive...:francis: must be nice to stand trial, due process and all of that after you kill 17 kids as a white man...

Loop Ba$eCrawler

All Star
Aug 6, 2015
I got this off some website:

Recently, concern has been expressed about the Antidepressants can also cause feelings of agitation, restlessness and detachment. July 9. Chapter
Nine: The FDA is By 1994, there were 32 childhood “psychiatric disorders” for which antidepressants, stimulants and antipsychotics could be prescribed. ” Source: “Japan Revises SSRI Warnings–Hostility, Violence,”

Medical News Today, 27 Jul 2017 link between SSRI antidepressants and violent behaviour including murder in some people. By John Horgan 17 Nov 2017 From the FDA perspective, all other medication uses are off label, though there are differing levels of evidence supporting their use. Considering the boy had no previous history of violence, the judge concluded the murder would not have occurred if not for the drug. A randomized clinical trial performed by the US National Institutes for Mental Health found that fluoxetine reduced acts of domestic violence in alcoholics with

17 Apr 2014 Although it has yet to be reported (and may in fact never be revealed) precisely what type of antidepressant Lopez was taking or whether it was an SSRI, the number of confirmed SSRI shooters in recent years has raised the question of a causal link between the medication and incidents of violence.

15 Sep 2015 Young people taking antidepressants such as Prozac and Seroxat are significantly more likely to commit violent crimes when they are on the medication, but taking higher doses of the drugs appears to reduce that risk, scientists said. One 12-year-old boy developed violent nightmares about killing his classmates, then being shot himself. It is one of a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). To study this relationship, investigators analyzed registry data on 856,493 people in Sweden who received an SSRI prescription,

12 Jan 2011 Antidepressants are supposed to make people feel happier and more at ease, but a study has linked several prescription antidepressants to an increased risk of violent behavior, including physical assault and homicide. Prozac, the most well known SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressant, was not yet on the market. Before the late nineteen eighties, mass shootings and acts of senseless violence were relatively unheard of. It's actually the title of a BBC Panorama documentary which hypothesises a link between SSRI antidepressant medication and an increased propensity to commit violent acts. ”.

James Holmes, who had been prescribed SSRI antidepressants, shot 12 at a US cinema. The researchers focused on these 8,377 people and compared their criminal activity when they had an SSRI prescription to the periods when they did not. Most worryingly, when the rates of SSRI prescriptions for children and

18 Dec 2012 Breggin insisted there has been overwhelming scientific evidence for decades correlating psychiatrically prescribed drugs with violence. These include One study found that 14% of the young people taking an antidepressant became aggressive and even violent. These feelings, they said, included anxiety, agitation, shakiness and bad dreams. Is there a link? Statistically yes maybe. He had been prescribed an anti-anxiety drug, antidepressants and other drugs to treat anxiety and depression. Did the SSRI anti-depressant he had been prescribed play a part in the killings?

7 Jan 2011 However, certain medications — most notably, some antidepressants like Prozac — have also been linked to increase risk for violent, even homicidal behavior. 5 Jan 2011 The 31 "suspect" drugs accounted for 1527 of the 1937 case reports of violence toward others in the FDA database for that 69-month period. She prescribed him sertraline, an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) – the most commonly

15 Sep 2015 An Oxford University study has found men and women in their late teens and early 20s are more prone to violence if they take SSRI drugs, including Prozac,this family of anti-depressants includes Prozac, as well as Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil, the most commonly prescribed of the pills. K. Among people who die by suicide, the proportion that die by violent means is lower in those who are taking.

15 Jan 2013 "In light of this finding (of reported violent adverse events and antidepressants), the many past shootings at school campuses and other public venues should perhaps be investigated anew by government officials, with an eye toward ascertaining whether psychotropic use may have, in the manner of an 29 Apr 1999 LUVOX FACTS. To this day they still find it difficult to accept the evidence that these drugs

As I reported last month, some studies indicate that psychiatric medications, and especially antidepressants, might increase the risk of violence. ” SSRIs boost levels of the “happiness hormone” serotonin in the brain, lifting people's mood of people, the drugs are safe to take, however the programme has uncovered a number of cases of extreme violence thought to be linked to the medication.

The New York Times reports that Aaron Alexis, who allegedly shot 12 people to death at a Navy facility in Washington, DC, earlier this week, received a prescription for the antidepressant trazodone in August. Panorama reveals the devastating side effects on a tiny minority that can lead to psychosis, violence, possibly even murder. James Holmes had been prescribed and had been taking the antidepressant called Sertraline.

and this as well:

Before the late nineteen eighties, mass shootings and acts of senseless violence were relatively unheard of. Prozac, the most well known SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressant, was not yet on the market. When Prozac did arrive, it was marketed as a panacea for depression which resulted in huge profits for its manufacturer Eli Lilly. Of course other drug companies had to create their own cash cow and followed suit by marketing their own SSRI antidepressants.

Subsequently, mass shootings and other violent incidents started to be reported. More often than not, the common denominator was that the shooters were on an antidepressant, or withdrawing from one. This is not about an isolated incident or two but numerous shootings. The question is, during the past twenty years is the use of antidepressants here a coincidence or a causation?

There have been too many mass shootings for it just to be a coincidence. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed twelve students and a teacher at Columbine High School. Eric was on Luvox, an antidepressant. The Virginia Tech shooter killed thirty-two people and he was on an antidepressant. While withdrawing from Prozac, Kip Kinkel murdered his mother and stepmother. He then shot twenty-two classmates and killed two. Jason Hoffman wounded five at his high school while he was on Effexor, also an antidepressant. James Holmes opened fire in a Colorado movie theater this past summer and killed twelve people and wounded fifty-eight. He was under the care of a psychiatrist but no information has been released as to what drug he must have been on.

Psychiatrists generally will tell you that these people were mentally ill and they weren’t treated in time or didn’t get enough help to prevent the tragedy. However, Dr. Peter Breggin, who is a psychiatrist, stated that depression rarely leads to violence and that it’s only since the SSRI’s came on the market that such mass shootings have taken place.

In a study of thirty-one drugs that are disproportionately linked to reports of violence toward others, five of the top ten are antidepressants. These are Prozac, Paxil, Luvox, Effexor and Pristiq. Two other drugs that are for treating ADHD are also in the top ten which means these are being given to children who could then become violent. One could conclude from this study alone that antidepressants cause both suicidal thoughts and violent behavior. This is a prescription for mass shootings.

No one can talk their way out of explaining how a person who is previously non-violent and given antidepressants suddenly becomes violent or suicidal. There are multiple cases of children who have committed suicide days after starting to take an antidepressant. In a YouTube video, various parents tell their story about what the antidepressants did to their kids.

A parent retells how his child couldn’t stand how the drugs made him feel and so he committed suicide. Another parent is stuck with the image of his child running in front of a moving car because the child wanted to die. Imagine calling 911 because your child is trying to kill herself when you know your child was not like that before taking the antidepressant. Imagine what you would feel like upon finding out that your child is the shooter in a murderous rampage on the school campus.

While on a mix of antidepressants, sixteen year old Cory Baadsgaard took a rifle to school and held twenty-three students hostage. His father said he was not a violent kid before he took the drugs but while on the medication he was volatile and susceptible to blind rage. Cory does not remember anything other than waking up, not feeling so well and going back to bed. The next thing he remembered was being in juvenile detention. Luckily no one was hurt, but it could have become another mass shooting.

A Harvard psychiatrist closely monitors his patients as he has seen firsthand that those that were not suicidal before became agitated, restless and completely preoccupied with suicidal thoughts. When these patients were taken off the drug, the thoughts went away. Clearly this demonstrates it’s the drugs causing these violent feelings, not the mental health of the patient.

They claim that these drugs are safe and effective but obviously they aren’t. Doctors themselves may not be aware of the dangers of these drugs, but their patients are the ones who will suffer the consequences if they are not told of the potentially lethal side effects. Doctors should at the very least go over the FDA Black Box warning which is on all antidepressants. This warning states that there is an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior by taking the drug. Otherwise, doctors are pretty much pulling the trigger themselves so-to-speak.

The worst part is we are all being misled with false information in regards to “mental illness.” Given the fact that there is not a single diagnostic test for depression or any other “mental disorder,” how can one even attempt to diagnose a “mental disorder” without a shred of scientific evidence to back it up? Opinions about symptoms are not science! There is the “chemical brain imbalance” theory, but where is the science to prove it exists?

The point is you can’t prescribe an antidepressant or any other psychiatric drug when you don’t know the cause of the symptoms. Nothing ever gets treated, helped or fixed without a cause. Instead, mind-altering drugs are being given to our future generation for no sensible or logical reason other than profits for pharmaceutical companies. The only result is dead bodies from mass shootings and that is truly senseless. Check it out for yourself and watch the YouTube video. Check out the list of school incidents linked to SSRIs below. Ensure your children are safe!

Amazing how the convo always goes straight to gun control instead of the most obvious cause of homicidal rampages.... prescription drugs.

Look at the amount of murder rampages compared to when doctors and drug companies started pumping people full of bullshyt.

Pirius Black

Jan 25, 2017
Most black kids don't get the free passes to be mentally unstable..

Look at that "Wanna do hoodrat stuff with my friends" , kid..he was made national headlines and like the poster child for bad kids.

I grew up with so many nutcase white kids who kept getting passes.

Fights robberies, was a couple of white kids I knew who would steal golf carts from the golf course...their fukkery was known throughout town yet they'd constantly get chances.

Black people period are just lucky to get out of an encounter with a cop unscathed...whites have more sympathy for other's not surprising.

Their are whites who care..but overall I believe most see black people as animals and get treated as such.

A black kid with a reputation for being violent and sending death threats to kids as school is gonna get the hammer down and when you have that reputation as a fukk up with cops it's hard to shake and they treat you harshly...hell most treat good non trouble making black people harshly..especially in Florida.
You ain't lying man. The shyt white kids I knew from high school got away with was outrageous man. Multiple DUI's, fights, stealing shyt and of course, heavy drug use. These motherfukkers got a perms pass until they snap and do something unforgivable and the capes come out anyway. White people out here rearing entitled psychopaths and still expect sympathy and leniency when the bad/ lax parenting chickens come home to roost.

Killah Ray

Carolina hail to thee....
May 6, 2012
My wife is a teacher and shyt like this worries me because who the fukk even knows anymore....

But with the amount of bullshyt that gets pumped into our body with this "food" and prescription drugs, something just isn't right....