the rest of world saved it
I mostly concerned about the viewers in america. practically young viewers. I would have demanded to see Pacific Rim over despicable me 2 when i was young. It just seems like they didn't even try.

my point with the terminator 2 comparisons was the violence and the Hard R.
Parents were not afraid to take there kids to violent movies when i was growing up.
although i am exaggerating because it was number 3 but i think it should have been at least number 2.
I mean look at all the shyty reviews for grown ups and that shyt is number 2 in the country right now. How are critics still getting work because people obviously do not care what the fukk they think.
Grown Ups was bound to make plenty of money. Four (Five with Selma Hayek) recognizable stars, all funny in their own right, in a safe movie that already has a built in audience from it being a sequel.
Critics are worthless when it comes to movies like that.. you really think the average family cares what rotten tomatoes thinks of movies they wanna see?
The whole monsters vs giant robots thing is lame to me
IMO they didnt promote this movie right...shyt looks like a big budget version of the geeky scifi trash you would see on the syfy channel
what about the children!!!!!!!!!!!
they run the summer movies but they all saw dispicalble me 2.
unless all the hipsters of this generation really love them some cartoons.![]()
What about them?
Theres nothing appealing about this movie to most kids
so we are going to ignore that one of them is a sequel to a widely popular movie?
i'd rather see DM2 as well
pacific rim looked like a bunch of corn.