Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension


Real name no gimmicks..
May 5, 2012
San Jose, Cali
Just cameback from seeing it and :pacspit: at that ending. As a PA movie it was pretty decent and it would have been a good follow up. Even though they did answer some of the key major questions. They did a pretty half ass job "wrapping up" the story.

Also they didn't fill in some plot holes too.

Like how come Katie and Kristie lost their memory of everything that happened to them when they were kids when they become adults?

And WHY in the fukk was adult Katie NOT in this movie? I know they mentioned her, but to flat out NOT have her in this movie and have her play a key role is mind boggling :mindblown: since this is the "last one"

And how come Hunter's older sister Aly (PA2) wasn't in this one and didn't play a key role? I know she made a appearance in The Marked Ones. But to not have her play a key role in this movie is pretty confusing as well.

And speaking of The Marked Ones, how come there was NO mention of the events that happened in that movie? I know it was meant to be a "spin off" film. But they could have alluded to it. Like Jesse could have been shown in the videos as the cameraman documenting the First Wives coven and filming Katie and Kristie's training.

Another thing. Why did the writers put SOO much focus on young Kristie just to have her killed as in adult in the 2nd movie by Katie?

If you've seen the first movie, Katie told the story about how Toby was more fixated on her as a child instead of her sister. But then when u watch the 3rd one it's the other way around :wtf:

They kept talking about how "strong" Katie was but didn't showcase it. And if Kristie was the main objective for Toby. What was Katie's main focus then?

And to be honest I didn't mind "seeing" Toby. I was tripping about it at first but now I understand and It added a different element to it.

But when it was revealed that he is nothing more then the anti-christ I just went:francis: and added on to the fact that he turned into "fresh" in the end it was like :stopitslime:

Jason Blum the producer stressed in all the interviews that it was the "last movie." And I liked this film series for whatever reason. But to have it end on that note and not bring the core fans a sense of closure is disappointing.

If they gonna end it like this they should have just left the first one as a stand alone film. Simple story, simple concept, and a simply excellent excution that still has me :lupe: to this day.

Hollywood had to make its money..but still.

Damn shame...:francis:
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May 7, 2012
Just cameback from seeing it and :pacspit: at that ending. As a PA movie it was pretty decent and it would have been a good follow up. Even though they did answer some of the key major questions. They did a pretty half ass job "wrapping up" the story.

Also they didn't fill in some plot holes too.

Like how come Katie and Kristie lost their memory of everything that happened to them when they were kids when they become adults?

And WHY in the fukk was adult Katie NOT in this movie? I know they mentioned her, but to flat out NOT have her in this movie and have her play a key role is mind boggling :mindblown: since this is the "last one"

And how come Hunter's older sister Aly (PA2) wasn't in this one and didn't play a key role? I know she made a appearance in The Marked Ones. But to not have her play a key role in this movie is pretty confusing as well.

And speaking of The Marked Ones, how come there was NO mention of the events that happened in that movie? I know it was meant to be a "spin off" film. But they could have alluded to it. Like Jesse could have been shown in the videos as the cameraman documenting the First Wives coven and filming Katie and Kristie's training.

Another thing. Why did the writers put SOO much focus on young Kristie just to have her killed as in adult in the 2nd movie by Katie?

If you've seen the first movie, Katie told the story about how Toby was more fixated on her as a child instead of her sister. But then when u watch the 3rd one it's the other way around :wtf:

They kept talking about how "strong" Katie was but didn't showcase it. And if Kristie was the main objective for Toby. What was Katie's main focus then?

And to be honest I didn't mind "seeing" Toby. I was tripping about it at first but now I understand and It added a different element to it.

But when it was revealed that he is nothing more then the anti-christ I just went:francis: and added on to the fact that he turned into "fresh" in the end it was like :stopitslime:

Jason Blum the producer stressed in all the interviews that it was the "last movie." And I liked this film series for whatever reason. But to have it end on that note and not bring the core fans a sense of closure is disappointing.

If they gonna end it like this they should have just left the first one as a stand alone film. Simple story, simple concept, and a simply excellent excution that still has me :lupe: to this day.

Hollywood had to make its money..but still.

Damn shame...:francis:
The first one was simple and that's a big part of what made it effective. They also made it seem like the haunting worsened because Micah decided to use the ouja board and contact the entity .

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
The first one was simple and that's a big part of what made it effective. They also made it seem like the haunting worsened because Micah decided to use the ouja board and contact the entity .

The first one was authentic and I doubt they intended to even make a sequel. I think part 3 should've been the last one and that's why I stopped watching after that. I knew this last one wasn't going to be about shyt because they were going to have to make shyt up and top the last one. Those movies were cheap as hell to make so thier profit margins are looking nice but I they missed me after the 3rd flick.

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
@Busby exactly what I said, the worst thing and almost a slap in the face to 'fans' has to be:

Not including Katie at all. I GUESS the 'Katie Hubbard' who sold them the house is supposed to be OG Katie, but that's just a reference.

She was basically the main victim/villain of the show. It would be like Return of the Jedi not featuring Vader on some 'nah the Emperor was really running the show', YEAH but Vader held us down for 5 summers.

Katie/Christie - I figured that the demon originally wanted Christie, but perhaps because she repelled him in the second movie he took Katie and threw Christie in the bushes.

Memories - not sure, I mean the kids sometimes don't seem to remember what happened to them; but that's because he's already possessing them. From all the training Katie got, I don't see why the demon needed to bite/mark her since they make it seem like she was doomed from jump (same for Christie).

I really hope that the poor reception by critics but ost of all the fans leads to another movie. Like I think all of us are saying, it's not even a BAD Paranormal Activity movie - if we were to treat this as the setup for the real final film, it would be OK.