If it’s not a horror movie or thriller series, I’m not watching. Save it. I dislike all of that sappy moody love romcoms ... ugggggh (except for Love Jones). I have no feelings.

Right now I’m watching the “SnowPiercer” series. I suggest you get on board (pun intended). 3 episodes in and the body count is at least 40 dead people, 4 hacked legs and arms, two chopped off hands, 20 spontaneously frozen people; a train morgue full of people in self induced comas as punishment for their crimes since jail doesn’t exist on Snowpiercer and a train car full of dead cows frozen stiff which means the food supply is reduced = starvation. The snow avalanche special affects are amazing!!!! The train has been in perpetual motion bc if they stop it - everyone will freeze to death. Let the hunger games and death fights begin - my type of series.

You’re missing out Bryan, you, due to your continued disappointment and refusal to watch any horror content; I’m ghosting you (pun) .
@DA_LURKA have you peeped this ? Perfect date night material for girls like me.