Pan-African goals in 2020. What are they?


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Here some things I believe could be done on a state-level:
  • Get rid of the CFA (going to happen)
  • Make sure the ECO doesn't have backdoors to make it the new CFA
  • Get rid of the French army all over Western and Central Africa, and more precisely the Sahel region. It is known that France use the terrorism they created themselves as an alibi to impose their presence in this strategic zone and pillage natural ressources. Macron, aware of the growing discontempt of the population when it comes to French imperialism summoned the 5 presidents of the region to put pressure on them. They need not fold.
  • In the continuity of the last point, African armies could step in, to help those countries deal with French sponsored terrorism if those countries ask for it.
  • Strengthen the ability to move between countries by removing barriers such as visa issues, and increasing aerial traffic. Work towards making borders more permeable. Breaking down tarifs barriers that make commercial exchanges within the continent impossible. Trade between Africans is key.
The rest and dare I say the big part of the work lies on the back of the civil society. We will be the biggest propellers of the new vision of pan-africanism through entrepreneurship as well as social and political activism.
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