P Diddy’s Los Angeles home raided by DHS

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
You cannot prevent or know when someone is going to file a lawsuit. Anyone can file any accusation whether it's true or not.

And the Trump case proves my point. That man was actually found liable of sexual assault in court last year but has faced no smoke. Where is his sex trafficking rico case? He got a dozen accusers. Nobody calling him a rapist and sexual assaulter in the media or on these same blog sites. Most of these same blogs are endorsing the rapist trump. A black man with unproven accusations gets dragged more than a white man who has been found guilty.


Donald Trump is LITERALLY suing ABC & George Stephanopolis for calling him a rapist :heh:
Nah, his story was known. Pops killed on Central Park North, iirc. Moms hustling, selling clothes out of ppl house.
I'm not from New York.

In the rest of the country, we thought Puffy was lame :yeshrug:
Jay sells weed and liquor (literally) to black folks and has a known federal informant running his main company. He’s not anyone we need to be protecting. Same with with Puffy.
So, you'd rather have Kennedys and Bronfmans selling that shyt to Black folks?:yeshrug:

People are going to drink & do drugs.

That's the case in every society in history.