Cee Rose and Sista George breakdown why "Jessica" was is wrong about the PRO-Black movement.
"Why Jessica X is wrong about the PRO-Black movement" - Tough Talk TV (The Breakdown A Women’s Perspective).
My take on this:
The Pro-Black movement has been so successful that it inspired Blacks in the UK to fight the racial system and change the racial system in the UK. To the effect Jessica now has the privileges to live her life
“without racism” somewhere in London, becoming a 42K pound income employee at a financial institution, while living in an affluent neighborhood.
"Jessica" is a cool chick, but didn’t think things through before saying these wild and outlandish things.
The Pro-Black movement was so successful that Blacks all over the world got inspired. That even Jessica’s Nigerian dad was able to become a high earning engineer in the UK. And on top of that it inspired to decolonize African nations.
I am Nigerian. Welcome home. The tale of how Nigeria was colonized is a popular one amongst her citizens, even though we do regret every reality of it. We are stronger now and when the tale is told, we look forward to those parts where the end began. The very place of our independence. It…
Many people don’t realize what and how impactful the Black power movement has been. Also modern "female rights" are a direct result of the Black power movement aka civil rights movement!