Why don't these clowns repay Haiti the indemnity we had to pay under the mulatto coward that was Boyer. FOH and there is c00ns in the Haitian diaspora that spout this nonsense. No wonder so many Haitians are distrustful of the Diaspora because we got bozos like these saying this nonsense. And he looks mulatto. I swear Haitian mulattos historically be on this type of stupid shyt. Alot of the problems in Haiti is because of foreign interference. And let us not forget Canada had a hand in the 2004 uprising as well. fukking clowns have no pride. Why can't we fix our own nation instead of giving up our national sovereignty. It would be like Dessalines, Christophe, Toussaint and the others fought for no reason. Gutless so gutless.
And yeah Haitian Mulatto are on par with white South Africans in being the WOAT that holds the majority back. Whats worse this that they claim they rep Haiti so much while leeching off Haiti and are very anti-black. I even see some online tag teaming with racist Dominicans to shyt on not just Haitians but other blacks.