King Crimson
Member of a very exclusive gang
Had those boys RUNNING.

It's disgusting how their fans rationalize this shyt. Like what is the average iq of their fanbase?

Had those boys RUNNING.
Kids have more sense than adults.
You want to know the problem with white men, especially racist and prejudiced white men, is that it is usually under the false guise of trying to "help" when they don't really want to address the problems. They just want to speak of the savages and their less-than-human behavior.
Now, he's a bigoted man and his views will be his views regardless but I hate when it's shielded behind some kind of "we must help the black community"
I can respect what you said ...first post with some actual quality posting in here
Why would he? lol. He's a known bigot and he makes no bones about it.
Taking pictures of people on the street doesn't sound legal. It is creepy at worst and disgusting at best. He deserved the beat down for invading the girl's privacy. Like others have said, it's tauntamount to assault to follow a girl around and taking pictures. The girl in question is also a bad black queen engendering her honor so I understand why nikkas went in for her. I'll gladly crush that scheming cac for her
"Where he at?"
She handled herself extremely well..and the cats standing about didnt need to move, they could see she had it covered. Had he reached for his gun in that daze she had left him in, they'd have taken it.
While we drive dude asks "So what do you listen to OA for?"
I let him know that I listen to them every morning while I do yoga before work.
This guy The Nigerian is a real life Sambo
I thought he was just trolling for laughs on here