This is not only a stupid take, it’s not based in any fact. If I didn’t know any better, I would assume you were a white person posing as a black person, or, at best, a c00n. So is everyone who dapped that filth.It's simple, we don't take school seriously.
SAT scores have little to do with “taking school serious” or even intelligence. It’s about knowing how to take a standardized test. Success on the SAT comes from repetition and classes specifically made for the exam, both of which are very expensive. Asians and white people, especially the highly educated, can afford to put their children in extra courses that cost thousands of dollars. They can also arrange transportation to get them there, etc.
The SAT is also obsolete. You don’t need it to get into college. And this coming from someone who had a 1200+ when the SAT mattered.
This is a typical c00n Bat Signal thread only made to speak down on black people. Notice these threads are inundated with supposedly black people who have no idea how statistics, facts, or education actually work.