One thing I don't like about the Marvel movies is the lame humor

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
That'd be too much like right for these guys :marvelpachaha:

These dudes :cape: for suicide squad and shytting on civil war. Only in the film room

Cape SS, shyt on CV, dont acknowledge Green Lantern, Powerless, Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and Legends:lolbron:


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
How about you guys stop picking and choosing which movies to hold to a high standard.

Man I tell you cuz its too much with this niccas man.:russ:

While browsing the post I'm over here watching Ninja Assassin and thinking about how cats love to whine about the so called Marvel white washing are probably the same cats that didnt even watch this movie in the theater with it dropped to help prove a movie with an up and coming Asian lead and no named Black woman lead can sell.

Hell niccas aint even like Han till after he died on some postmortem shyt :mjlol:

Ninja Assassin is dope as fukk and think about the waves it wouldve made in Hollywood if it wouldve did atleast $130M off a $40M budget:whoo:


2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
:russ: i always forget that shyt. Also Civl War 2's impetus was someone being blown out of the sky and dying.

And of course as a spidey fan, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Gwen Stacy. But maybe a psychopath throwing a woman off a bridge to kill her is for kids:lupe:
We got the Gwen Stacy thing in Amazing Spider Man 2.

Nevermind read your post wrong


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Your boy Marty McFly says different. So one of you is lying. :manny:
Why would he? What Marvel movie doesn't have action? And if his framing of these movies is comical I think that strengthens my point. They're all action movies.
I'm assuming @MartyMcFly assumed you were one of the dudes I had on ignore, cause I never named who I have on ignore but have said it was nikkas that went overboard with the stan shyt while brining nothing else of note to any other discussions. Trust me, I've already forgotten the cats I've put on ignore and I certainly wouldn't un-ignore someone.

The framing of the movies being comical is me saying they did a bad job at what they were going for. If the dude actually making the movie says the movie is a certain thing, who are either one of us to tell him he's wrong? I can name a bunch of comic book films that aren't action movies. I think you guys underestimate just how many movies are comic adaptations. Spawn could easily fall under the horror genre. Watchmen is not an action movie. Road to see where I'm going here. Superhero film is a genre, but then you have a movie like Unbreakable, which again, is not action.

Like I said in my very first post in here, Marvel movies are what they are. I'm not mad at it. With that said, comics and manga aren't solely childish stories. A History of Violence was a graphic novel before it was adapted to a movie that ended up getting rave reviews and Oscar nominations. Akira isn't for kids. Same for Oldboy. So people aren't being unreasonable to expect great things from comic book movies. Just because Marvel is one way does not mean everything else has to be that way. Yet I have to hear complaints about other movies being "humorless" and not "fun". I'm an adult, I can handle serious stuff.
Maybe y'all should just read the comics then if you want an exact play by play :hhh:

the whining about the "comedy" in marvel could be taken seriously if the same criticism was leveled at the amateur hour that was suicide squad or the cheesy tv shows for instance.
So now the argument is nobody criticizes anything DC does?:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

Suicide Squad sucked, btw

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
That whole thing in Age of Ultron about Stark or Cap saying the word "shyt" or whatever :hhh:

Ultron telling jokes when he's supposed to be a killing machine :hhh:

Black Widow and Hawkeye joking around during the play fight at the airport :hhh:

An over-the-top cliche swagless nerd Stark fan boy turning into a fake Mandarin and then that "Mandarin" literally taking a shyt on screen :gucci:

Ronan looking like a three stooges character at the end of Guardians :dahell:
I fell out of my seat when that scene happened:deadmanny:.. Terrible movie tho:hhh:


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
I'm assuming @MartyMcFly assumed you were one of the dudes I had on ignore, cause I never named who I have on ignore but have said it was nikkas that went overboard with the stan shyt while brining nothing else of note to any other discussions. Trust me, I've already forgotten the cats I've put on ignore and I certainly wouldn't un-ignore someone.

The framing of the movies being comical is me saying they did a bad job at what they were going for. If the dude actually making the movie says the movie is a certain thing, who are either one of us to tell him he's wrong? I can name a bunch of comic book films that aren't action movies. I think you guys underestimate just how many movies are comic adaptations. Spawn could easily fall under the horror genre. Watchmen is not an action movie. Road to see where I'm going here. Superhero film is a genre, but then you have a movie like Unbreakable, which again, is not action.

Like I said in my very first post in here, Marvel movies are what they are. I'm not mad at it. With that said, comics and manga aren't solely childish stories. A History of Violence was a graphic novel before it was adapted to a movie that ended up getting rave reviews and Oscar nominations. Akira isn't for kids. Same for Oldboy. So people aren't being unreasonable to expect great things from comic book movies. Just because Marvel is one way does not mean everything else has to be that way. Yet I have to hear complaints about other movies being "humorless" and not "fun". I'm an adult, I can handle serious stuff.

So now the argument is nobody criticizes anything DC does?:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

Suicide Squad sucked, btw
No one is saying comic book movies have to be a certain way. Obviously a graphic novel like the watchmen being depicted in a marvel way would be worthy of a side eye. Iron man being depicted as he currently is, is not. The criticism about the universe is flimsy because this is how they want the cinematic universe to be. It's going to have it's own tone, just how the Netflix series have their tone and as of yet they don't want the two mixed. If marvel threw the punisher into the next movie and had him doing a "dance off" then yes the criticism would be valid. As of now it's just another of a long string of sour grapes that isn't applied to any other studio but marvel.

And on D.C. I think we both know the criticism from some on here is vastly different when it comes to D.C. productions to marvels. How are we supposed to take opinions seriously when the bar is lower for certain studios and the nit picking goes into overdrive for marvel.
May 1, 2012
How about you guys stop picking and choosing which movies to hold to a high standard.

I'll bump this thread 365 days a year if I feel like it :what:

what is it about DC, nikkas keep sayin shyt to me like "what about Suicide Squad" when nobody brought it up. Marvel stans can't defend the criticisms so they try to deflect :mjgrin:

:mjlol: @ this being an "anti-Marvel" thread. So we can't point out flaws now? Y'all some bytchmade fakkits


Oct 29, 2012
I'll bump this thread 365 days a year if I feel like it :what:

what is it about DC, nikkas keep sayin shyt to me like "what about Suicide Squad" when nobody brought it up. Marvel stans can't defend the criticisms so they try to deflect :mjgrin:

:mjlol: @ this being an "anti-Marvel" thread. So we can't point out flaws now? Y'all some bytchmade fakkits
I think you quoted the wrong person.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
In all fairness DC stans nikkas keep sayin shyt like "what about the dance off" when nobody brings it up. DC stans can't defend the criticisms and cant stand to take they own medicine so they try to deflect.

Starlord danced, so did Enchantress with her wiggle.



What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
No one is saying comic book movies have to be a certain way. Obviously a graphic novel like the watchmen being depicted in a marvel way would be worthy of a side eye. Iron man being depicted as he currently is, is not. The criticism about the universe is flimsy because this is how they want the cinematic universe to be. It's going to have it's own tone, just how the Netflix series have their tone and as of yet they don't want the two mixed. If marvel threw the punisher into the next movie and had him doing a "dance off" then yes the criticism would be valid. As of now it's just another of a long string of sour grapes that isn't applied to any other studio but marvel.

And on D.C. I think we both know the criticism from some on here is vastly different when it comes to D.C. productions to marvels. How are we supposed to take opinions seriously when the bar is lower for certain studios and the nit picking goes into overdrive for marvel.
I'm assuming @MartyMcFly assumed you were one of the dudes I had on ignore, cause I never named who I have on ignore but have said it was nikkas that went overboard with the stan shyt while brining nothing else of note to any other discussions. Trust me, I've already forgotten the cats I've put on ignore and I certainly wouldn't un-ignore someone.

The framing of the movies being comical is me saying they did a bad job at what they were going for. If the dude actually making the movie says the movie is a certain thing, who are either one of us to tell him he's wrong? I can name a bunch of comic book films that aren't action movies. I think you guys underestimate just how many movies are comic adaptations. Spawn could easily fall under the horror genre. Watchmen is not an action movie. Road to see where I'm going here. Superhero film is a genre, but then you have a movie like Unbreakable, which again, is not action.

Like I said in my very first post in here, Marvel movies are what they are. I'm not mad at it. With that said, comics and manga aren't solely childish stories. A History of Violence was a graphic novel before it was adapted to a movie that ended up getting rave reviews and Oscar nominations. Akira isn't for kids. Same for Oldboy. So people aren't being unreasonable to expect great things from comic book movies. Just because Marvel is one way does not mean everything else has to be that way. Yet I have to hear complaints about other movies being "humorless" and not "fun". I'm an adult, I can handle serious stuff.

So now the argument is nobody criticizes anything DC does?:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

Suicide Squad sucked, btw

You both made good points. And for the record homie I never said who you had on block lol I just said you got cats blocked and whomever assumed they were on the list that's on them.

But yeah good points which is why I said what I said earlier that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. For iron man it works. For star lord it works. And cap and black panther aren't joke machines nor should they be. The issue for me is that sometimes it breaks up a serious scene or doesn't let it breathe. That's preference. It doesn't take away from the whole movie for me. Like @obarth said it is what it is. You're either with it or you're not. It's either going to destroy the movie for you or it won't. Move on. But like @wire28 said if you tried to make watchmen or road to perdition like one of these flicks that'd be silly and foolish. Doing that tone with a deadpool movie would be neutered. Doing it with Logan would've been stupid also.

My main contention is cats acting like comic books and therefore comic book movies are just for kids. That's asinine and disingenuous. History of violence, road to perdition, spawn, saga, judge dredd. These aren't stories for kids although I'm sure kids read them cause I read them as a kid lol. So the movies should reflect that.