Is that the fans don't really respect the genre...They may enjoy it, but they don't really respect it...
For example, there is been a thread about how every hip hop legend is overrated...Dr Dre, Pac, Rakim, Nas, Jay Z, Big Daddy Kane and etc have been labelled overrated...
The fact that hip hop legends don't eat well when they get old, also shows the disrespect the hip hop audience has towards the genre...
So, why doesn't the hip hop audience have no respect for the genre...?
It's because it does not take too much effort to capitalize off the genre...Especially when it comes to rappers...
For example, rockers have to pick an instrument when they are about 14 and spend years mastering the instrument, and then more years developing a sound, and they have to continuously rehearse to make sure the band plays well together...
Rock fans know that not just anybody can pick-up a guitar, and in 3 months start getting 1 million views on youtube (unless they are just a joke)...
Therefore, it's much harder for rock fans to say that their legends are overrated, because the fans understand the work it takes to get there...
But we in the hip hop audience, always think we can out rap...It's like we honestly believe hip hop fame is strictly based on luck...Thus, we have no respect for the genre...
Because almost every hip hop fans thinks he or she is his or her own favorite rapper, so why should he or she give any respect to anybody else, since he or she can do it just as well...
For example, there is been a thread about how every hip hop legend is overrated...Dr Dre, Pac, Rakim, Nas, Jay Z, Big Daddy Kane and etc have been labelled overrated...
The fact that hip hop legends don't eat well when they get old, also shows the disrespect the hip hop audience has towards the genre...
So, why doesn't the hip hop audience have no respect for the genre...?
It's because it does not take too much effort to capitalize off the genre...Especially when it comes to rappers...
For example, rockers have to pick an instrument when they are about 14 and spend years mastering the instrument, and then more years developing a sound, and they have to continuously rehearse to make sure the band plays well together...
Rock fans know that not just anybody can pick-up a guitar, and in 3 months start getting 1 million views on youtube (unless they are just a joke)...
Therefore, it's much harder for rock fans to say that their legends are overrated, because the fans understand the work it takes to get there...
But we in the hip hop audience, always think we can out rap...It's like we honestly believe hip hop fame is strictly based on luck...Thus, we have no respect for the genre...
Because almost every hip hop fans thinks he or she is his or her own favorite rapper, so why should he or she give any respect to anybody else, since he or she can do it just as well...