I'm not religious, but I can allow some space in my mind for there being a creator of some sort...
What I'll never buy into is the notion of some omnipotent being that creates faulty organisms (those faults also being his creation, since he created all of this) that he keeps a record of their behavior for the sake of judging them upon death. If he could create something as deeply intricate as this entire universe, he could have created morally perfect beings who function solely within his way in the first place.
An omnipotent leader who threatens eternal punishment for those who corrupt his moral code, yet never intercedes in real-time on behalf of those who are innocent victims of the corrupt.
Children born with terminal defects and who's life will expire before they had a chance to even write the prologue of their life story.
A book of devotion that is full of easily debunked ideas such as a whale swallowing a human (and that human somehow escaping the horrors of the stomach and digestion), a lack of mention of organisms that existed for eons before us, warm blooded animals living for hundreds of years, zero mention of his creation at an atomic level as well as zero mention of a microscopic world that can eradicate mankind, but he allows to adapt and thrive better than his precious human beings. A book of misinformation and misdirection at best, and outright lies at worst.
And of course, has a convenient scapegoat for when things go wrong so he is absolved for any of his own fukk ups. A convenient scapegoat that he himself created, btw.
An arbitrary Creator? Sure, I can allow it.
A God who needs to be feared and worshipped or else there's literal hell to pay like an abusive parent who uses the worst tactics to control those he also granted free-will to? FUKK NO.