Coco Brown
All Star
The problem isn't that she's trans, the problem is she's trash in the ring.
For me, it's not so much that they need a huge name to legitimize and anchor the division, it's that they need someone with undeniable talent in that number one spot. Having their inaugural champion be someone who could legit get "You can't wrestle" chants and it wouldn't be a lie is a BAD look. It would be, perhaps, another story if what she lacked in ring she made up for with charisma and character work but...she doesn't.
The alternatives may not be optimal but Rose, at this point in her career, ain't nowhere near it. They'd be better served going w/Kong for the short term, building up the roster and making some solid signings in the interim (Taya, Tenille, maybe shoot their shot at Tessa). Going w/Nyla is low key sending the message that to succeed in the women's division you don't have to be elite at anything: Not mic skills, not character work, not ring work...and that's NOT a good look when the alternatives have women like Tessa and Becky in premiere spots in their women's divisions.
For me, it's not so much that they need a huge name to legitimize and anchor the division, it's that they need someone with undeniable talent in that number one spot. Having their inaugural champion be someone who could legit get "You can't wrestle" chants and it wouldn't be a lie is a BAD look. It would be, perhaps, another story if what she lacked in ring she made up for with charisma and character work but...she doesn't.
The alternatives may not be optimal but Rose, at this point in her career, ain't nowhere near it. They'd be better served going w/Kong for the short term, building up the roster and making some solid signings in the interim (Taya, Tenille, maybe shoot their shot at Tessa). Going w/Nyla is low key sending the message that to succeed in the women's division you don't have to be elite at anything: Not mic skills, not character work, not ring work...and that's NOT a good look when the alternatives have women like Tessa and Becky in premiere spots in their women's divisions.