I automatically see threads asking for $$ and just say too bad and never click on them.

I automatically see threads asking for $$ and just say too bad and never click on them.
I thought with gofundme’s the person doesn’t get the money until the goal has been met…is that really the case?
Why? These dudes is suckers. Like dudes cry about taking women on dates and buying them gifts in real life, but they donate money to any screen name with a sob story. The Coli is not your "bros" or real fam.
I mean all this dude did is lie about being white, he didn't even scam per sa like boriquaking
I already knew about the sepsis from a post he made
The feds won't care about this, local police wouldn't even. The reason he gave to ask for the donation is legit enough. The only thing he did wrong is pretending to be a different race on the internet, which isn't illegal. So the basis of anyone trying to press charges would basically be, "I willingly donated, but I wouldn't have if I knew he wasn't really black." If the people who gave money didn't do anything to verify, at the very least just asking him if he is really black, that's on them, unfortunately.The feds would definitely care. For one thing panhandling is technically already a no-no on its own. The GFM campaign may get around that but Misrepresenting his identity changes everything, ups it to fraud/theft via deception. Then u have federal laws involving wire fraud/state lines/cyber crimes, the list goes on. If someone really wanted to take it there...its a reason literally everybody not doing this shyt breh. It damn sure isnt society's collective integrity and good willU cant just go online and false flag of any kind when money is involved.
And once the feds are on it, gfm's hands are tied.
I hear what you're saying but this fool cac is literally losing at life right now. The story about him flatlining and losing his foot is definitely true. And he has severe life long health issues that are resulting from the doctors malpractice.
I'm glad the doctor did it to him. I hope another doctor flatlines this fool.
In all likelihood nothing is going to happen to dude legally. But dont get it twisted, it aint about lying about his race. Once he uses that for a charity campaign it starts turning into theft by deception. im no legal expert, i dont know the discrepancies in local and federal law of whatever jurisdictions this affects.The feds won't care about this, local police wouldn't even. The reason he gave to ask for the donation is legit enough. The only thing he did wrong is pretending to be a different race on the internet, which isn't illegal. So the basis of anyone trying to press charges would basically be, "I willingly donated, but I wouldn't have if I knew he wasn't really black." If the people who gave money didn't do anything to verify, at the very least just asking him if he is really black, that's on them, unfortunately.
The go fund me has been shut down, so all to be done is trying to get a refund.